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- From: Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: More McDonald: Science in Default
- Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 21:29:55 -0700
- Organization: University of Wisconsin
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- This is more of the radar-visual case studies done by the late
- atmospheric physicist Dr. James McDonald of the University of Arizona.
- This text is also produced in _UFOs: A Scientific Debate_, edited by
- Thornton Page and Carl Sagan from Cornell University Press. Note: this
- is a different McDonald post from the one last week. I was told by
- several people that this post never got through, so I'm trying again.
- --------------1B3E597B5BC6
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline; filename="DEFAULT.TXT"
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject Science in Default: 22 Years of Inadequate
- UFO Investigations
- Author James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
- Address The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721
- Time 9:00 a.m., December 27, 1969
- Place Sheraton Plaza Ballroom
- Program General Symposium, Unidentified Flying Objects
- Convention
- Address Sheraton Plaza Hotel
- A.M,'s December 28
- No scientifically adequate investigation of the UFO problem has been
- carried out during the entire 22 years that have now passed since the first
- extensive wave of sightings of unidentified aerial objects in the summer of
- 1947. Despite continued public interest, and despite frequent expressions of
- public concern, only quite superficial examinations of the steadily growing
- body of unexplained UFO reports from credible witnesses have been conducted in
- this country or abroad. The latter point is highly relevant, since all
- evidence now points to the fact that UFO sightings exhibit similar
- characteristics throughout the world.
- Charging inadequacy of all past UFO investigations, I speak not only from
- a background of close study of the past investigations, but also from a
- background of three years of rather detailed personal research, involving
- interviews with over five hundred witnesses in selected UFO cases, chiefly in
- the U. S. In my opinion, the UFO problem, far from being the nonsense problem
- that it has often been labeled by many scientists, constitutes a problem of
- extraordinary scientific interest.
- The grave difficulty with essentially all past UFO studies has been that
- they were either devoid of any substantial scientific content, or else have
- lost their way amidst the relatively large noise-content that tends to obscure
- the real signal in the UFO reports. The presence of a percentually large
- number of reports of misidentified natural or technological phenomena
- (planets, meteors, and aircraft, above all) is not surprising, given all the
- circumstances surrounding the UFO problem. Yet such understandable and usually
- easily recognized instances of misidentification have all too often been
- seized upon as a sufficient explanation for all UFO reports, while the residue
- of far more significant reports (numbering now of order one thousand) are
- ignored. I believe science is in default for having failed to mount any truly
- adequate studies of this problem, a problem that has aroused such strong and
- widespread public concern during the past two decades. Unfortunately, the
- present climate of thinking, above all since release of the latest of a long
- series of inadequate studies, namely, that conducted under the direction of
- Dr. E. U. Condon at the University of Colorado, will make it very difficult to
- secure any new and more thorough investigations, yet my own examination of the
- problem forces me to call for just such new studies. I am enough of a realist
- to sense that, unless the present AAAS UFO Symposium succeeds in making the
- scientific community aware of the seriousness of the UFO problem, little
- immediate response to any call for new investigation is likely to appear.
- In fact, the over-all public and scientific response to the UFO phenomena
- is itself a matter of substantial scientific interest, above all in its
- social-psychological aspects. Prior to my own investigations, I would never
- have imagined the wide spread reluctance to report an unusual and seemingly
- inexplicable event, yet that reluctance, and the attendant reluctance of
- scientists to exhibit serious interest in the phenomena in question, are quite
- general. One regrettable result is the fact that the most credible of UFO
- witnesses are often those most reluctant to come forward with a report of the
- event they have witnessed. A second regrettable result is that only a very
- small number of scientists have taken the time and trouble to search out the
- nearly puzzling reports that tend to be diluted out by the much larger number
- of trivial and non-significant UFO reports. The net result is that there still
- exists no general scientific recognition of the scope and nature of the UFO
- problem.
- * * *
- Within the federal government official responsibility for UFO
- investigations has rested with the Air Force since early 1948. Unidentified
- aerial objects quite naturally fall within the area of Air Force concern, so
- this assignment of responsibility was basically reasonable, However, once it
- became clear (early 1949) that UFO reports did not seem to involve advanced
- aircraft of some hostile foreign power, Air Force interest subsided to
- relatively low levels, marked, however, by occasional temporary resurgence of
- interest following large waves of UFO reports, such as that of 1952, or 1957,
- or 1965.
- A most unfortunate pattern of press reporting developed by about 1953, in
- which the Air Force would assert that they had found no evidence of anything
- "defying explanation in terms of present-day science and technology" in their
- growing files of UFO reports. These statements to the public would have done
- little harm had they not been coupled systematically to press statements
- asserting that "the best scientific facilities available to the U. S. Air
- Force" had been and were being brought to bear on the UFO question. The
- assurances that substantial scientific competence was involved in Air Force
- UFO investigations have, I submit, had seriously deleterious scientific
- effects. Scientists who might otherwise have done enough checking to see that
- a substantial scientific puzzle lay in the UFO area were misled by these
- assurances into thinking that capable scientists had already done adequate
- study and found nothing. My own extensive checks have revealed so slight a
- total amount of scientific competence in two decades of Air Force-supported
- investigations that I can only regard the repeated asseverations of solid
- scientific study of the UFO . problem as the single most serious obstacle that
- the Air Force has put in the way of progress towards elucidation of the matter
- I do not believe, let me stress, that this has been part of some top-
- secret coverup of extensive investigations by Air Force or security agencies;
- I have found no substantial basis for accepting that theory of why the Air
- Force has so long failed to respond appropriately to the many significant and
- scientifically intriguing UFO reports coming from within its own ranks.
- Briefly, I see grand foulup but not grand coverup. Although numerous instances
- could be cited wherein Air Force spokesmen failed to release anything like
- complete details of UFO reports, and although this has had the regrettable
- consequence of denying scientists at large even a dim notion of the almost
- incredible nature of some of the more impressive Air Force-related UFO
- reports, I still feel that the most grievous fault of 22 years of Air Force
- handling of the UFO problem has consisted of their repeated public assertions
- that they had substantial scientific competence on the job.
- Close examination of the level of investigation and the level of
- scientific analysis involved in Project Sign (1948-9), Project Grudge (1949-
- 52), and Project Bluebook (1953 to date), reveals that these were, viewed
- scientifically, almost meaning less investigations. Even during occasional
- periods (e.g., 1952) characterized by fairly active investigation of UFO
- cases, there was still such slight scientific expertise involved that there
- was never any real chance that the puzzling phenomena encountered in the most
- significant UFO cases would be elucidated. Furthermore, the panels,
- consultants, contractual studies, etc., that the Air Force has had working on
- the UFO problem over the past 22 years have, with essentially no exception,
- brought almost negligible scientific scrutiny into the picture. Illustrative
- examples will be given.
- The Condon Report, released in January, 1968, after about two years of
- Air Force-supported study is, in my opinion, quite inadequate. The sheer bulk
- of the Report, and the inclusion of much that can only be viewed as
- "scientific padding", cannot conceal from anyone who studies it closely the
- salient point that it represents an examination of only a tiny fraction of the
- most puzzling UFO reports of the past two decades, and that its level of
- scientific argumentation is wholly unsatisfactory. Furthermore, of the roughly
- 90 cases that it specifically confronts, over 30 are conceded to be
- unexplained. With so large a fraction of unexplained cases (out of a sample
- that is by no means limited only to the truly puzzling cases, but includes an
- obJectionably large number of obviously trivial cases), it is far from clear
- how Dr. Condon felt justified in concluding that the study indicated "that
- further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the
- expectation that science will be advanced thereby. "
- I shall cite a number of specific examples of cases from the Condon
- Report which I regard as entirely inadequately investigated and reported. One
- at Kirtland AFB, November 4, 1957, involved observations of a wingless egg-
- shaped object that was observed hovering about a minute over the field prior
- to departure at a climb rate which was described to me as faster than that of
- any known jets, then or now. The principal witnesses in this case were
- precisely the type of witnesses whose accounts warrant closest attention,
- since they were CAA tower observers who watched the UFO from the CAA tower
- with binoculars. Yet, when I located these two men in the course of my own
- check of cases from the Condon Report, I found that neither of them had even
- been contacted by members of the University of Colorado project! Both men were
- fully satisfied that they had been viewing a device with performance
- characteristics well beyond any thing in present or foreseeable aeronautical
- technology. The two men gave me descriptions that were mutually consistent and
- that fit closely the testimony given on Nov. 6, 1957, when they were
- interrogated by an Air Force investigator. The Condon Report attempts to
- explain this case as a light-aircraft that lost its way, came into the field
- area, and then left. This kind of explanation runs through the whole Condon
- Report, yet is wholly incapable of explaining the details of sightings such as
- that of the Kirtland AFB incident. Other illustrative instances in which the
- investigations summarized in the Condon Report exhibit glaring deficiencies
- will be cited. I suggest that there are enough significant unexplainable UFO
- reports just within the Condon Report itself to document the need for a
- greatly increased level of scientific study of UFOs.
- That a panel of the National Academy of Sciences could endorse this study
- is to me disturbing. I find no evidence that the Academy panel did any
- independent checking of its own; and none of that 11-man panel had any
- significant prior investigative experience in this area, to my knowledge. I
- believe that this sort of Academy endorsement must be criticized; it hurts
- science in the long run, and I fear that this particular instance will
- ultimately prove an embarrassment to the National Academy of Sciences.
- The Condon Report and its Academy endorsement have exerted a highly
- negative influence on clarification of the long-standing UFO problem; so much,
- in fact, that it seems almost pointless to now call for new and more extensive
- UFO investigations. Yet the latter are precisely what are needed to bring out
- into full light of scientific inquiry a phenomenon that could well constitute
- one of the greatest scientific problems of our times.
- * * *
- Some examples of UFO cases conceded to be unexplainable in the Condon Report
- and containing features of particularly strong scientific interest: Utica,
- N.Y., 6/23/55; Lakenheath, England, 8/13/56; Jackson, Ala., 11/14/56; Norfolk,
- Va., 8/30/57; RB-47 case, 9/19/57; Beverly Mass., 4/22/66; Donnybrook, N.D.,
- 8/19/66; Haynesville, La., 12/30/66; Joplin, Mo., 1/13/67; Colorado Springs,
- Colo., 5/13/67.
- Some examples of UFO cases considered explained in the Condon Report for which
- I would take strong exception to the argumentation presented and would regard
- as both unexplained and of strong scientific interest: Flagstaff, Ariz.,
- 5/20/50; Washington, D. C., 7/19/52; Bellefontaine, O., 8/1/52; Haneda AFB,
- Japan, 8/5/52; Gulf of Mexico, 12/6/52; Odessa, Wash., 12/10/52; Continental
- Divide, N.M., 1/26/53; Seven Isles, Quebec, 6/29/54; Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
- 7/25/57; Kirtland AFB, N.M., 11/4/57; Gulf of Mexico, 11/5/57; Peru, 12/30/66;
- Holloman AFB, 3/2/67; Kincheloe AFB, 9/11/67; Vandenberg AFB, 10/6/67;
- Milledgeville, Ga., 10/20/67.
- James E. McDonald, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
- University of Arizona, Tucson
- (Material presented at the Symposium on UFOs,
- 134th Meeting, AAAS, Boston, Dec, 27, 1969)
- ***
- The following treats in detail the four principal UFO cases referred to
- in my Symposium talk. They are presented as specific illustrations of what I
- regard as serious shortcomings of case-investigations in the Condon Report and
- in the 1947-69 Air Force UFO program. The four cases used as illustrations are
- the following :
- 1. RB-47 case, Gulf Coast area, Sept. 19, 1957
- 2. Lakenheath RAF Station, England, August 13-14,
- 1956
- 3. Haneda AFB, Japan, August 5-6, 1952
- 4. Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, Nov. 4, 1957
- My principal conclusions are that scientific inadequacies in past years
- of UFO investigations by Air Force Project Bluebook have _not_ been remedied
- through publication of the Condon Report, and that there remain scientifically
- very important unsolved problems with respect to UFOs. The investigative and
- evaluative deficiencies illustrated in the four cases examined in detail are
- paralleled by equally serious shortcomings in many other cases in the sample
- of about 90 UFO cases treated in the Condon Report. Endorsement of the
- conclusions of the Condon Report by the National Academy of Sciences appears
- to have been based on entirely superficial examination of the Report and the
- cases treated therein. Further study, conducted on a much more sound
- scientific level are needed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (AAAS UFO Symposium, Boston, Dec. 27, 1969.)
- Case 1. USAF RB-47, Gulf Coast area, September 19-20, 1957.
- Brief summary: An Air Force RB-47, equipped with ECM (Electronic
- Countermeasures) gear, manned by six officers, was followed over a total
- distance in excess of 600 miles and for a time period of more than an hour, as
- it flew from near Gulfport, Miss., through Louisiana and Texas, and into
- southern Oklahoma. The unidentified object was, at various times, seen
- visually by the cockpit crew (as an intense white or red light), followed by
- ground-radar, and detected on ECM monitoring gear aboard the RB-47.
- Simultaneous appearances and disappearances on all three of those physically
- distinct "channels" mark this UFO case as especially intriguing from a
- scientific viewpoint. The incident is described as Case 5 in the Condon Report
- and is conceded to be unexplained. The full details, however, are not
- presented in that Report.
- 1. Summary of the Case:
- The case is long and involved and filled with well-attested phenomena
- that defy easy explanation in terms of present-day science and technology. The
- RB-47 was flying out of Forbes AFB, Topeka, on a composite mission including
- gunnery exercises over the Texas-Gulf area, navigation exercises over the open
- Gulf, and ECM exercises in the return trip across the south-central U.S. This
- was an RB-47 carrying a six-man crew, of whom three were electronic warfare
- officers manning ECM (Electronic counter-measures) gear in the aft portion of
- the aircraft. One of the extremely interesting aspects of this case is that
- electromagnetic signals of distinctly radar-like character appeared definitely
- to be emitted by the UFO, yet it exhibited performance characteristics that
- seem to rule out categorically its having been any conventional or secret
- aircraft.
- I have discussed the incident with all six officers of the crew:
- Lewis D. Chase, pilot, Spokane, Wash.
- James H. McCoid, copilot, Offutt AFB
- Thomas H. Hanley, navigator, Vandenberg AFB
- John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor, Wichita
- Frank B. McClure, No. 2 monitor, Offutt AFB
- Walter A. Tuchscherer, No. 3 monitor, Topeka
- Chase was a Major at the time; I failed to ask for information on 1957 ranks
- of the others. McClure and Hanley are currently Majors, so might have been
- Captains or Lieutenants in 1957. All were experienced men at the time. Condon
- Project investigators only talked with Chase, McCoid, and McClure, I
- ascertained. In my checking it proved necessary to telephone several of them
- more than once to pin down key points; nevertheless the total case is so
- complex that I would assume that there are still salient points not clarified
- either by the Colorado investigators or by myself. Unfortunately, there
- appears to be no way, at present to locate the personnel involved in ground-
- radar observations that are a very important part of the whole case. I shall
- discuss that point below.
- This flight occurred in September, 1957, just prior to the crew's
- reassignment to a European base. On questioning by Colorado investigators,
- flight logs were consulted, and based on the recollection that this flight was
- within a short time of departure from Forces to Germany, (plus the requirement
- that the date match a flight of the known type and geography) the 9/19/57 date
- seems to have emerged. The uncertainty as to whether it was early on the 19th
- or early on the 20th, cited above is a point of confusion I had not noted
- until preparing the present notes. Hence I am unable to add any clarification,
- at the moment; in this matter of the date confusion found in Thayer's
- discussion of the case (1, pp. 136-138). I shall try to check that in the near
- future. For the present, it does not vitiate case-discussion in any
- significant way.
- The incident is most inadequately described in the Condon Report. The
- reader is left with the general notion that the important parts occurred near
- Ft. Worth, an impression strengthened by the fact that both Crow and Thayer
- discuss meteorological data only for that area. One is also left with no clear
- impression of the duration, which was actually over an hour. The incident
- involved an unknown airborne object that stayed with the RB-47 for over 600
- miles. In case after case in the Condon Report, close checking reveals that
- quite significant features of the cases have been glossed over, or omitted, or
- in some instances seriously misrepresented. I submit that to fail to inform
- the reader that this particular case spans a total distance-range of some 600
- miles and lasted well over an hour is an omission difficult to justify.
- From my nine separate interviews with the six crew members, I assembled a
- picture of the events that makes it even more puzzling than it seems on
- reading the Condon Report -- and even the latter account is puzzling enough.
- Just as the aircraft crossed the Mississippi coast near Gulfport,
- McClure, manning the #2 monitor, detected a signal near their 5 o'clock
- position (aft of the starboard beam). It looked to him like a legitimate
- ground-radar signal, but corresponded to a position out in the Gulf. This is
- the actual beginning of the complete incident; but before proceeding with
- details it is necessary to make quite clear what kind of equipment we shall be
- talking about as we follow McClure's successive observations.
- Under conditions of war, bombing aircraft entering hostile territory can
- be assisted in their penetrations if any of a variety of electronic
- countermeasures (ECM techniques as they are collectively termed) are brought
- into action against ground-based enemy radar units. The initial step in all
- ECM operations is, necessarily, that of detecting the enemy radar and
- quantitatively identifying a number of relevant features of the radar system
- (carrier frequency, pulse repetition frequency, scan rate, pulse width) and,
- above all, its bearing relative to the aircraft heading. The latter task is
- particularly ample in principle, calling only for direction-finding antennas
- which pick up the enemy signal and display on a monitor scope inside the
- reconnaissance aircraft a blip or lobe that paints in the relative bearing
- from which the signal is coming.
- The ECM gear used in RB-47's in 1957 is not now classified; the #2
- monitor that McClure was on, he and the others pointed out, involved an ALA-6
- direction-finder with back-to-back antennas in a housing on the undersurface
- of the RB-47 near the rear, spun at either 150 or 300 rpm as it scanned in
- azimuth. Inside the aircraft, its signals were processed in an APR-9 radar
- receiver and an ALA-5 pulse analyser. All later references to the #2 monitor
- imply that system. The #1 monitor employed an APD-4 direction finding system,
- with a pair of antennas permanently mounted on either wing tip. Provenzano was
- on the #1 monitor. Tuchscherer was on the #3 monitor, whose specifications I
- did not ascertain because I could find no indication that it was involved in
- the observations.
- Returning now to the initial features of the UFO episode, McClure at
- first thought he had 180-degree ambiguity in his scope, i.e., that the signal
- whose lobe painted at his 5 o'clock position was actually coming in from the
- 11 o'clock position perhaps from some ground radar in Louisiana. This
- suspicion, he told me, was temporarily strengthened as he became aware that
- the lobe was moving upscope. (It is important here and in features of the case
- cited below to understand how a fixed ground-radar paints on the ECM monitor
- scope as the reconnaissance aircraft flies toward its general direction:
- Suppose the ground radar is, at some instant, located at the 1 o'clock
- position relative to the moving aircraft, i.e., slightly off the starboard
- bow. As the aircraft flies along, the relative bearing steadily changes, so
- that the fixed ground unit is "seen" successively at the 2 o'clock, the 3
- o'clock, and the 4 o'clock positions, etc. The lobe paints on the monitor
- scope at these successive relative azimuths, the 12 o'clock position being at
- the top of the scope, 3 o'clock at the right, etc. Thus any legitimate signal
- from a fixed ground radar must move downscope, excluding the special cases in
- which the radar is dead ahead or dead astern. Note carefully that we deal here
- only with direction finding gear. Range is unknown; we are not here speaking
- of an airborne radar set, just a radar-frequency direction-finder. In
- practice, range is obtained by triangulation computations based on successive
- fixes and known aircraft speed.)
- As the lobe continued moving _upscope_, McClure said the strength of the
- incoming signal and its pulse characteristics all tended to confirm that this
- was some ground unit being painted with 180-degree ambiguity for some unknown
- electronic reason. It was at 2800 megacycles, a common frequency for S-band
- search radars.
- However, after the lobe swung dead ahead, his earlier hypothesis had to
- be abandoned for it continued swinging over to the 11 o'clock position and
- continued downscope on the port side. Clearly, no 180-degree ambiguity was
- capable of accounting for this. Curiously, however, this was so anomalous that
- McClure did not take it very seriously and did not at that juncture mention it
- to the cockpit crew nor to his colleagues on the other two monitors. This
- upscope-downscope "orbit" of the unknown was seen only on the ALA-6, as far as
- I could establish. Had nothing else occurred, this first and very significant
- portion of the whole episode would almost certainly have been for gotten by
- McClure.
- The signal faded as the RB-47 headed northward to the scheduled turning
- point over Jackson, Miss. The mission called for simulated detection and ECM
- operations against Air Force ground radar units all along this part of the
- flight plan, but other developments intervened. Shortly after making their
- turn westward over Jackson, Miss., Chase noted what he thought at first were
- the landing lights of some other jet coming in from near his 11 o'clock
- position, at roughly the RB-47's altitude. But no running lights were
- discernible and it was a single very bright white light, closing fast. He had
- just alerted the rest of the crew to be ready for sudden evasive maneuvers,
- when he and McCoid saw the light almost instantaneously change directions and
- rush across from left to right at an angular velocity that Chase told me he'd
- never seen matched in his flight experience. The light went from their 11
- o'clock to the 2 o'clock position with great rapidity, and then blinked out.
- Immediately after that, Chase and McCoid began talking about it on the
- interphone and McClure, recalling the unusual 2800 megacycle signal that he
- had seen over Gulfport now mentioned that peculiar incident for the first time
- to Chase and McCoid. It occurred to him at that point to set his #2 monitor to
- scan at 2800 mcs. On the first scan, McClure told me, he got a strong 2800 mcs
- signal from their 2 o'clock position, the bearing on which the luminous
- unknown object had blinked out moments earlier.
- Provenzano told me that right after that they had checked out the #2
- monitor on valid ground radar stations to be sure it was not malfunctioning
- and it appeared to be in perfect order. He then checked on his #1 monitor and
- also got a signal from the same bearing. There remained, of course, the
- possibility that just by chance, this signal was from a real radar down on the
- ground and off in that direction. But as the minutes went by, and the aircraft
- continued westward at about 500 kts. the relative bearing of the 2800 mcs
- source did not move downscope on the #2 monitor, but kept up with them.
- This quickly led to a situation in which the entire 6-man crew focussed
- all attention on the matter; the incident is still vivid in the minds of all
- the men, though their recollection for various details varies with the
- particular activities they were engaged in. Chase varied speed, to see if the
- relative bearing would change but nothing altered. After over a hundred miles
- of this, with the 2800 mcs source keeping pace with the aircraft, they were
- getting into the radar-coverage area of the Carswell AFB GCI (Ground
- Controlled Intercept) unit and Chase radioed that unit to ask if they showed
- any other air traffic near the RB-47.
- Carswell GCI immediately came back with the information that there was
- apparently another aircraft about 10 miles from them at their 2 o'clock
- position. (The RB-47 was unambiguously identifiable by its IFF signal; the
- "other aircraft" was seen by "skin paint" Only, i.e., by direct radar
- reflection rather than via an IFF transponder, Col. Chase explained.)
- This information, each of the men emphasized to me in one way or
- another, made them a bit uneasy for the first time. I asked McClure a question
- that the Colorado investigators either failed to ask or did not summarize in
- their Report. Was the signal in all respects comparable to that of a typical
- ground radar? McClure told me that this was what baffled him the most, then
- and now. All the radar signature characteristics, as read out on his ALA-5
- pulse analyser, were completely normal -- it had a pulse repetition frequency
- and pulse width like a CPS-6B and even simulated a scan rate: But its
- intensity, McClure pointed out, was so strong that "it would have to had an
- antenna bigger than a bomber to put out that much signal." And now, the
- implications of the events over Gulfport took on new meaning. The upscope-
- downscope sweep of his #2 monitor lobe implied that this source, presuming it
- to be the same one now also being seen on ground radar at Carswell GCI, had
- flown a circle around the RB-47 at 30-35,000 ft altitude while the aircraft
- was doing about 500 kts.
- Shortly after Carswell GCI began following the two targets, RB-47 and
- unknown, still another significant action unfolded. McClure suddenly noted the
- lobe on the #2 monitor was beginning to go upscope, and almost simultaneously,
- Chase told me, GCI called out that the second airborne target was starting to
- move forward. Keep in mind that no visual target was observable here; after
- blinking out at the 12 o'clock position, following its lightning-like traverse
- across the nose of the aircraft, no light had been visible. The unknown now
- proceeded to move steadily around to the 12 o'clock position, followed all the
- while on the #2 monitor and on the GCI scope down at Carswell near Ft. Worth.
- As soon as the unknown reached the 12 o'clock position, Chase and McCoid
- suddenly saw a bright red glow "bigger than a house", Chase said, and lying
- dead ahead, precisely the bearing shown on the passive radar direction-finder
- that McClure was on and precisely the bearing now indicated on the GCI scope.
- _Three independent sensing systems_ were at this juncture giving seemingly
- consistent-indications: two pairs of human eyes, a ground radar, and a
- direction-finding radar receiver in the aircraft.
- One of the important points not settled by the Colorado investigations
- concerned the question of whether the unknown was ever painted on any radar
- set on the RB-47 itself. Some of the men thought the navigator had seen it on
- his set, others were unsure. I eventually located Maj. Hanley at Vandenberg
- and he informed me that all through the incident, which he remembered very
- well, he tried, unsuccessfully to pick up the unknown on his navigational
- radar (K-system). I shall not recount all of the details of his efforts and
- his comments, but only mention the end result of my two telephone interviews
- with him. The important question was what sort of effective range that set
- had. Hanley gave the pertinent information that it could just pick up a large
- tanker of the KC-97 type at about 4 miles range, when used in the "altitude-
- hold" mode, with antenna tipped up to maximum elevation. But both at the start
- of its involvement and during the object's swing into the 12 o'clock position,
- GCI showed it remaining close to 10 miles in range from the RB-47. Thus
- Hanley's inability to detect it on his K-system navigational radar in altitude
- hold only implies that whatever was out there had a radar cross-section that
- was less than about 16 times that of a KC-97 (roughly twice 4 miles, inverse
- 4th-power law), The unknown gave a GCI return that suggested a cross-section
- comparable to an ordinary aircraft, Chase told me, which is consistent with
- Hanley's non-detection of the object. The Condon Report gives the impression
- the navigator did detect it, but this is not correct.
- I have in my files many pages of typed notes on my interviews, and cannot
- fill in all of the intriguing details here. Suffice it to say that Chase then
- went to maximum allowable power, hoping to close with the unknown, but it just
- stayed ahead at about 10 miles as GCI kept telling them; it stayed as a bright
- red light dead ahead, and it kept painting as a bright lobe on the top of
- McClure's ALA-6 scope. By this time they were well into Texas still at about
- 35,000 ft and doing upwards of 500 knots, when Chase saw it begin to veer to
- the right and head between Dallas and Ft. Worth. Getting FAA clearance to
- alter his own flight plan and to make sure other jet traffic was out of his
- way, he followed its turn, and then realized he was beginning to close on it
- for the first time. Almost immediately GCI told him the unknown had stopped
- moving on the ground-radarscope. Chase and McCoid watched as they came almost
- up to it. Chase's recollections on this segment of the events were distinctly
- clearer than McCoid's. McCoid was, of course, sitting aft of Chase and had the
- poorer view; also he said he was doing fuel-reserve calculations in view of
- the excess fuel-use in their efforts to shake the unknown, and had to look up
- from the lighted cockpit to try to look out intermittently, while Chase in the
- forward seat was able to keep it in sight more nearly continuously. Chase told
- me that he'd estimate that it was just ahead of the RB-47 and definitely below
- them when it instantaneously blinked out, At that same moment McClure
- announced on the interphone that he'd lost the 2800 mcs signal, and GCI said
- it had disappeared from their scope. Such simultaneous loss of signal on what
- we can term three separate channels is most provocative, most puzzling.
- Putting the aircraft into a left turn (which Chase noted consumes about
- 15-20 miles at top speed), they kept looking back to try to see the light
- again. And, about halfway through the turn (by then the aircraft had reached
- the vicinity of Mineral Wells, Texas, Chase said), the men in the cockpit
- suddenly saw the bright red light flash on again, back along their previous
- flight path but distinctly lower, and simultaneously GCI got a target again
- and McClure started picking up a 2800 mcs signal at that bearing: (As I heard
- one after another of these men describe all this, I kept trying to imagine how
- it was possible that Condon could listen, at the October, 1967, plasma
- conference at the UFO Project, as Col. Chase recounted all this and shrug his
- shoulders and walk out.)
- Securing permission from Carswell GCI to undertake the decidedly non-
- standard maneuver of diving on the unknown, Chase put the RB-47 nose down and
- had reached about 20,000 ft, he recalls, when all of a sudden the light
- blinked out, GCI lost it on their scope, and McClure reported loss of signal
- on the #2 monitor: Three-channel consistency once more.
- Low on fuel, Chase climbed back up to 25,000 and headed north for
- Oklahoma. He barely had it on homeward course when McClure got a blip dead
- astern and Carswell radioed that they had a target once more trailing the RB-
- 47 at about 10 miles. Rear visibility from the topblisters of the RB-4 now
- precluded easy visual check, particularly if the unknown was then at lower
- altitude (Chase estimated that it might have been near 15,000 ft when he lost
- it in the dive). It followed them to southern Oklahoma and then disappeared.
- 2. Discussion:
- This incident is an especially good example of a UFO case in which
- observer credibility and reliability do not come into serious question, a case
- in which more than one (here three) channel of information figures in the
- over-all observations, and a case in which the reported phenomena appear to
- defy explanation in terms of either natural or technological phenomena.
- In the Condon Report, the important initial incident in which the unknown
- 2800 MC source appeared to orbit the RB-47 near Gulfport is omitted. In the
- Condon Report, the reader is given no hint that the object was with the
- aircraft for over 600 miles and for over an hour. No clear sequence of these
- events is spelled out, nor is the reader made aware of all of the "three-
- channel" simultaneous appearances or disappearances that were so emphatically
- stressed to me by both Chase and McClure in my interviews with them. But even
- despite those degrees of incompleteness, any reader of the account of this
- case in the Condon Report must wonder that an incident of this sort could be
- left as unexplained and yet ultimately treated, along with the other
- unexplained cases in that Report, as calling for no further scientific
- attention.
- Actually, various hypotheses (radar anomalies, mirage effects) are weighed
- in one part of the Condon Report where this case is discussed separately (pp.
- 136-138). But the suggestion made there that perhaps an inversion near 2 km
- altitude was responsible for the returns at the Carswell GCI unit is wholly
- untenable. In an Appendix, a very lengthy but non-relevant discussion of
- ground return from anomalous propagation appears; in fact, it is so unrelated
- to the actual circumstances of this case as to warrant no comment here.
- Chase's account emphasized that the GCI radar(s) had his aircraft and the
- unknown object on-scope for a total flight-distance of the order of several
- hundred miles, including a near overflight of the ground radar. With such wide
- variations in angles of incidence of the ground-radar beam on any inversion or
- duct, however intense, the possibility of anomalous propagation effects
- yielding a consistent pattern of spurious echo matching the reported movements
- and the appearances and disappearances of the target is infinitesimal. And the
- more so in view of the simultaneous appearances and disappearances on the ECM
- gear and via visible emissions from the unknown. To suggest, as is tentatively
- done on p. 138 that the "red glow" might have been a "mirage of Oklahoma
- City", when the pilot's description of the luminous source involves a wide
- range of viewing angles, including two instances when he was viewing it at
- quite large depression angles, is wholly unreasonable. Unfortunately, that
- kind of casual ad hoc hypothesizing with almost no attention to relevant
- physical considerations runs all through the case-discussions in the treatment
- of radar and optical cases in the Condon Report, frequently (though not in
- this instance) being made the basis of "explanations" that are merely absurd.
- On p. 265 of the Report, the question of whether this incident might be
- explained in terms of any "plasma effect" is considered but rejected. In the
- end, this case is conceded to be unexplained.
- No evidence that a report on this event reached Project Bluebook was found
- by the Colorado investigators. That may seem hard to believe for those who are
- under the impression that the Air Force has been diligently and exhaustively
- investigating UFO reports over the past 22 years. But to those who have
- examined more closely the actual levels of investigation, lack of a report on
- this incident is not so surprising. Other comparable instances could he cited,
- and still more where the military aircrews elected to spare themselves the
- bother of interrogation,by not even reporting events about as puzzling as
- those found in this RB-47 incident.
- But what is of greatest present interest is the point that here we have a
- well-reported, multi-channel, multiple-witness UFO report, coming in fact from
- within the Air Force itself, investigated by the Condon Report team, conceded
- to be unexplained, and yet it is, in final analysis, ignored by Dr. Condon. In
- no section of the Report specifically written by the principal investigator
- does he even allude to this intriguing case. My question is how such events
- can be written off as demanding no further scientific study. To me, such cases
- seem to cry out for the most intensive scientific study -- and the more so
- because they are actually so much more numerous than the scientific community
- yet realizes. There is a scientific mystery here that is being ignored and
- shoved under the rug; the strongest and most unjustified shove has come from
- the Condon Report. "unjustified" because that Report itself contains so many
- scientifically puzzling unexplained cases (approximately 30 out of 90 cases
- considered) that it is extremely difficult to understand how its principal
- investigator could have construed the contents of the Report as supporting a
- view that UFO studies should be terminated.
- Case 2. Lakenheath and Bentwaters RAF/USAF units; England, August 13-14,
- 1956.
- Brief summary: Observations of unidentified objects by USAF and RAF personnel,
- extending over 5 hours, and involving ground-radar, airborne-radar, ground
- visual and airborne-visual sightings of high-speed unconventionally
- maneuvering obJects in the vicinity of two RAF stations at night. It is Case 2
- in the Condon Report and is there conceded to be unexplained.
- 1. Introduction:
- This case will illustrate, in significant ways, the following points:
- a) It illustrates the fact that many scientifically intriguing UFO
- reports have lain in USAF/Bluebook files for years without knowledge
- thereof by the scientific community.
- b) It represents a large subset of UFO cases in which all of the
- observations stemmed from military sources and which, had there been
- serious and competent scientific interest operating in Project
- Bluebook, could have been very thoroughly investigated while the
- information was fresh. It also illustrates the point that the actual
- levels of investigation were entirely inadequate in even as
- unexplainable and involved cases as this one.
- c) It illustrates the uncomfortably incomplete and internally
- inconsistent features that one encounters in almost every report of
- its kind in the USAF/Bluebook files at Wright-Patterson AFB, features
- attesting to the dearth of scientific competence in the Air Force UFO
- investigations over the past 20 years.
- d) It illustrates, when the original files are carefully studied and
- compared with the discussion thereof in the Condon Report,
- shortcomings in presentation and critique given many cases in the
- Condon Report.
- e) Finally, I believe it illustrates an example of those cases conceded
- to be unexplainable by the Condon Report that argue need for much
- more extensive and more thorough scientific investigation of the UFO
- problem, a need negated in the Condon Report and in the Academy
- endorsement thereof.
- My discussion of this case will be based upon the 30-page Bluebook case-
- file, plus certain other information presented on it in the Condon Report.
- This "Lakenheath case" was not known outside of USAF circles prior to
- publication of the Condon Report. None of the names of military personnel
- involved are given in the Condon Report. (Witness names, dates, and locales
- are deleted from all of the main group of cases in that Report, seriously
- impeding independent scientific check of case materials.) I secured copies of
- the case-file from Bluebook, but all names of military personnel involved in
- the incident were cut out of the Xerox copies prior to releasing the material
- to me. Hence I have been unable to interview personally the key witnesses.
- However, there is no indication that anyone on the colorado Project did any
- personal interviews, either; so it would appear I have had access to the same
- basic data used in the Condon Report's treatment of this extremely interesting
- case.
- For no Justified reason, the Condon Report not only deletes witness names,
- but also names of localities of the UFO incidents in its main sample of 59
- cases. In this Lakenheath case, deletion of locality names creates much
- confusion for the reader, since three distinct RAF stations figure in,the
- incident and since the discharged non-commissioned officer from whom they
- received first word of this UFO episode confused the names of two of those
- stations in his own account that appears in the Condon Report. That, plus
- other reportorial deficiencies in the presentation of the Lakenheath case in
- the Condon Report, will almost certainly have concealed its real significance
- from most readers of the Report.
- Unfortunately, the basic Bluebook file is itself about as confusing as
- most Bluebook files on UFO cases. I shall attempt to mitigate as many of those
- difficulties as I can in the following, by putting the account into better
- over-all order than one finds in the Condon Report treatment.
- 2. General Circumstances:
- The entire episode extended from about 2130Z, August 13, to 0330Z, August
- 14, 1956; thus this is a nighttime case. The events occurred in east-central
- England, chiefly in Suffolk. The initial reports centered around Bentwaters
- RAF Station, located about six miles east of Ipswich, near the coast, while
- much of the subsequent action centers around Lakenheath RAF Station, located
- some 20 miles northeast of Cambridge. Sculthorpe RAF Station also figures in
- the account, but only to a minor extent; it is near Fakenham, in the vicinity
- of The Wash. GCA (Ground Controlled Approach) radars at two of those three
- stations were involved in the ground-radar sightings, as was an RTCC (Radar
- Traffic Control Center) radar unit at Lakenheath. The USAF non-com who wrote
- to the Colorado Project about this incident was a Watch Supervisor on duty at
- the Lakenheath RTCC unit that night. His detailed account is reproduced in the
- Condon Report (pp. 248-251). The Report comments on "the remarkable accuracy
- of the account of the witness as given in (his reproduced letter), which was
- apparently written from memory 12 years after the incident." I would concur,
- but would note that, had the Colorado Project only investigated more such
- striking cases of past years, it would have found many other witnesses in UFO
- cases whose vivid recollections often match surprising well checkable
- contemporary accounts. My experience thereon has been that, in multiple-
- witness cases where one can evaluate consistency of recollections, the more
- unusual and inexplicable the original UFO episode, the more it impressed upon
- the several witnesses' memories a meaningful and still-useful pattern of
- relevant recollections. Doubtless, another important factor operates: the UFO
- incidents that are the most striking and most puzzling probably have been
- discussed by the key witnesses enough times that their recollections have been
- thereby reinforced in a useful way.
- The only map given in the Condon Report is based on a sketch-map made by
- the non-com who alerted them to the case. It is misleading, for Sculthorpe is
- shown 50 miles east of Lakenheath, whereas it actually lies 30 miles north-
- northeast. The map does not show Bentwaters at all; it is actually some 40
- miles east-southeast of Lakenheath. Even as basic items as those locations do
- not appear to have been ascertained by those who prepared the discussion of
- this case in the Condon Report, which is most unfortunate, yet not atypical.
- That this incident was subsequently discussed by many Lakenheath personnel
- was indicated to me by a chance event. In the course of my investigations of
- another radar UFO case from the Condon Report, that of 9/11/67 at Kincheloe
- AFB, I found that the radar operator involved therein had previously been
- stationed with the USAF detachment at Lakenheath and knew of the events at
- second-hand because they were still being discussed there by radar personnel
- when he arrived many months later.
- 3. Initial Events at Bentwaters, 2130Z to 2200Z;
- One of the many unsatisfactory aspects of the Condon Report is its
- frequent failure to put before the reader a complete account of the UFO cases
- it purports to analyze scientifically. In the present instance, the Report
- omits all details of three quite significant radar-sightings made by
- Bentwaters GCA personnel prior to their alerting the Lakenheath GCA and RTCC
- groups at 2255 LST. This omission is certainly not because of correspondingly
- slight mention in the original Bluebook case-file; rather, the Bentwaters
- sightings actually receive more Bluebook attention than the subsequent
- Lakenheath events. Hence, I do not see how such omissions in the Condon Report
- can be justified.
- a) _First radar siqhting, 2130Z._ Bentwaters GCA operator, A/2c ______ (I
- shall use a blank to indicate the names razor-bladed out of my copies of the
- case-file prior to release of the file items to me), reported picking up a
- target 25-30 miles ESE, which moved at very high speed on constant 295 deg.
- heading across his scope until he lost it 15-20 miles to the NW of Bentwaters.
- In the Bluebook file, A/2c _____ is reported as describing it as a strong
- radar echo, comparable to that of a typical aircraft, until it weakened near
- the end of its path across his scope. He is quoted as estimating a speed of
- the order of 4000 mph, but two other cited quantities suggest even higher
- speeds. A transit time of 30 seconds is given, and if one combines that with
- the reported range of distance traversed, 40-50 miles, a speed of about 5000-
- 6000 mph results. Finally, A/2c _____ stated that it covered about 5-6 miles
- per sweep of the AN/MPN-llA GCA radar he was using. The sweep-period for that
- set is given as 2 seconds (30 rpm), so this yields an even higher speed-
- estimate of about 9000 mph. (Internal discrepancies of this sort are quite
- typical of Bluebook case-files, I regret to say. My study of many such files
- during the past three years leaves me no conclusion but that Bluebook work has
- never represented high-caliber scientific work, but rather has operated as a
- perfunctory bookkeeping and filing operation during most of its life. Of the
- three speed figures just mentioned, the latter derives from the type of
- observation most likely to be reasonably accurate, in my opinion. The
- displacement of a series of successive radar blips on a surveillance radar
- such as the MPN-11A, can be estimated to perhaps a mile or so with little
- difficulty, when the operator has as large a number of successive blips to
- work with as is here involved. Nevertheless, it is necessary to regard the
- speed as quite uncertain here, though presumably in the range of several
- thousand miles pr hour and hence not associable with any conventional
- aircraft, nor with still higher-speed meteors either.)
- b) _Second radar siqhting, 2130-2155Z._ A few minutes after the preceding
- event, T/Sgt _____ picked up on the same MPN-11A a group of 12-15 objects
- about 8 miles SW of Brentwaters. In the report to Bluebook, he pointed out
- that "these objects appeared as normal targets on the GCA scope and that
- normal checks made to determine possible malfunctions of the GCA radar failed
- to indicate anything was technically wrong." The dozen or so objects were
- moving together towards the NE at varying speeds, ranging between 80 and 125
- mph, and "the 12 to 15 unidentified objects were preceded by 3 objects which
- were in a triangular formation with an estimated 1000 feet separating each
- object in this formation." The dozen objects to the rear "were scattered
- behind the lead formation of 3 at irregular intervals with the whole group
- simultaneously covering a 6 to 7 mile area," the official report notes.
- Consistent radar returns came from this group during their 25-minute
- movement from the point at which they were first picked up, 8 mi. SW, to a
- point about 40 mi. NE of Bentwaters, their echoes decreasing in intensity as
- they moved off to the NE. When the group reached a point some 40 mi. NE, they
- all appeared to converge to form a single radar echo whose intensity is
- described as several times larger than a B-36 return under comparable
- conditions. Then motion ceased, while this single strong echo remained
- stationary for 10-15 minutes. Then it resumed motion to the NE for 5-6 miles,
- stopped again for 3-5 minutes, and finally moved northward and off the scope.
- c) _Third radar siqhting, 2200Z._ Five minutes after the foregoing
- formation moved off-scope, T/Sgt _____ detected an unidentified target about
- 30 mi. E of the Bentwaters GCA station, and tracked it in rapid westward
- motion to a point about 25 mi. W of the station, where the object "suddenly
- disappeared off the radar screen by rapidly moving out of the GCS radation
- pattern," according to his interpretation of the event. Here, again, we get
- discordant speed information, for T/Sgt _____ gave the speed only as being "in
- excess of 4000 mph," whereas the time-duration of the tracking, given as 16
- sec, implies a speed of 12,000 mph, for the roughly 55 mi. track-length
- reported. Nothing in the Bluebook files indicates that this discrepancy was
- investigated further or even noticed, so one can say only that the apparent
- speed lay far above that of conventional aircraft.
- d) _Other observations at Bentwaters._ A control tower sergeant, aware of
- the concurrent radar tracking, noted a light "the size of a pin-head at arm's
- length" at about 10 deg. elevation to the SSE. It remained there for about
- one hour, intermittently appearing and disappearing. Since Mars was in that
- part of the sky at that time, a reasonable interpretation is that the observer
- was looking at that planet.
- A T-33 of the 512th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, returning to
- Bentwaters from a routine flight at about 2130Z, was vectored to the NE to
- search for the group of objects being tracked in that sector. Their search,
- unaided by airborne radar, led to no airborne sighting of any aircraft or
- other objects in that area, and after about 45 minutes they terminated search,
- having seen only a bright star in the east and a coastal beacon as anything
- worth noting. The Bluebook case-file contains 1956 USAF discussions of the
- case that make a big point of the inconclusiveness of the tower operator's
- sighting and the negative results of the T-33 search, but say nothing about
- the much more puzzling radar-tracking incidents than to stress that they were
- of "divergent" directions, intimating that this somehow put them in the
- category of anomalous propagation, which scarcely follows. Indeed, none of the
- three cited radar sightings exhibits any features typical of AP echoes. The
- winds over the Bentwaters area are given in the file. They jump from the
- surface level (winds from 230 deg. at 5-10 kts) to the 6000 ft level (260
- deg., 30 kts), and then hold at a steady 260 deg. up to 50,000 ft, with speeds
- rising to a maximum of 90 kts near 30,000 ft. Even if one sought to invoke the
- highly dubious Borden-Vickers hypothesis (moving waves on an inversion
- surface), not even the slowest of the tracked echoes (80-125 mph) could be
- accounted for, nor is it even clear that the direction would be explainable.
- Furthermore, the strength of the individual echoes (stated as comparable to
- normal aircraft returns), the merging of the 15 or so into a single echo, the
- two intervals of stationarity, and final motion off-scope at a direction about
- 45 deg. from the initial motion, are all wholly unexplainable in terms of AP
- in these 2130-2155Z incidents. The extremely high-speed westward motion of
- single targets is even further from any known radar-anomaly associated with
- disturbed propagation conditions. Blips that move across scopes from one
- sector to the opposite, in steady heading at steady apparent speed, correspond
- neither to AP nor to internal electronic disturbances. Nor could interference
- phenomena fit such observed echo behavior. Thus, this 30-minute period, 213O-
- 2200Z, embraced three distinct events for which no satisfactory explanation
- exists. That these three events are omitted from the discussions in the Condon
- Report is unfortunate, for they serve to underscore the scientific
- significance of subsequent events at both Bentwaters and Lakenheath stations.
- 4. Comments on Reporting of Events After 2255Z, 8/13/56:
- The events summarized above were communicated to Bluebook by Capt. Edward
- L. Holt of the 81st Fighter-Bomber Wing stationed at Bentwaters, as Report No.
- IR-1-56, dated 31 August, 1956. All events occurring subsequent to 2200Z, on
- the other hand, were communicated to Project Bluebook via an earlier, lengthy
- teletype transmission from the Lakenheath USAF unit, sent out in the standard
- format of the report-form specified by regulation AFR200-2. Two teletype
- transmissions, dated 8/17/56 and 8/21/56, identical in basic content, were
- sent from Lakenheath to Bluebook. The Condon Report presents the content of
- that teletype report on pp. 252-254, in full, except for deletion of all names
- and localities and omission of one important item to be noted later here.
- However, most readers will be entirely lost because what is presented actually
- constitutes a set of answers to questions that are not stated! The Condon
- Report does not offer the reader the hint that the version of AFR200-2
- appearing in the Report's Appendix, pp. 819-826 (there identified by its
- current designation, AFR80-17) would provide the reader with the standardized
- questions needed to translate much of the otherwise extremely confusing array
- of answers on pp. 252-254. For that reason, plus others, many readers will
- almost certainly be greatly (and entirely unnecessarily) confused on reading
- this important part of the Lakenheath report in the Condon Report.
- That confusion, unfortunately, does not wholly disappear upon laboriously
- matching questions with answers, for it has long been one of the salient
- deficiencies of the USAF program of UFO report collection that the format of
- AFR200-2 (or its sequel AFR80-17) is usually only barely adequate and
- (especially for complex episodes such as that involved here) often entirely
- incapable of affording the reporting office enough scope to set out clearly
- and in proper chronological order all of the events that may be of potential
- scientific significance. Anyone who has studied many Bluebook reports in the
- AFR200-2 format, dating back to 1953, will be uncomfortably aware of this
- gross difficulty. Failure to carry out even modest followup investigations and
- incorporate findings thereof into Bluebook case-files leaves most intriguing
- Bluebook UFO cases full of unsatisfactorily answered questions. But those
- deficiencies do not, in my opinion, prevent the careful reader from discerning
- that very large numbers of those UFO cases carry highly significant scientific
- implications, implications of an intriguing problem going largely unexamined
- in past years.
- 5. _Initial Alerting of Lakenheath GCA and RTCC:_
- The official files give no indication of any further UFO radar sightings
- by Bentwaters GCA from 2200 until 2255Z. But, at the latter time, another
- fast-moving target was picked up 30 mi. E of Bentwaters, heading almost due
- west at a speed given as "2000-4000 mph". It passed almost directly over
- Bentwaters, disappearing from their GCA scope for the usual beam-angle reasons
- when within 2-3 miles (the Condon Report intimates that this close in
- disappearance is diagnostic of AP, which seems to be some sort of tacit over-
- acceptance of the 1952 Borden-Vickers hypothesis), and then moving on until it
- disappeared from the scope 30 mi. W of Bentwaters.
- Very significantly, this radar-tracking of the passage of the unidentified
- target was matched by concurrent visual observations, by personnel on the
- ground looking up and also from an overhead aircraft looking down. Both visual
- reports involved only a light, a light described as blurred out by its high
- speed; but since the aircraft (identified as a C-47 by the Lakenheath non-com
- whose letter called this case to the attention of the Colorado Project) was
- flying only at 4000 ft, the altitude of the unknown object is bracketed within
- rather narrow bounds. (No mention of any sonic boom appears; but the total
- number of seemingly quite credible reports of UFOs moving at speeds far above
- sonic values and yet not emitting booms is so large that one must count this
- as just one more instance of many currently inexplicable phenomena associated
- with the UFO problem.) The reported speed is not fast enough for a meteor, nor
- does the low-altitude flat traJectory and absence of a concussive shock wave
- match any meteoric hypothesis. That there was visual confirmation from
- observation points both above and below this fast-moving radar-tracked obJect
- must be viewed as adding still further credence to, and scientific interest
- in, the prior three Bentwaters radar sightings of the previous hour.
- Apparently immediately after the 2255Z events, Bentwaters GCA alerted GCA
- Lakenheath, which lay off to its WNW. The answers to Questions 2(A) and 2(B)
- of the AFR200-2 format (on p. 253 of the Condon Report) seem to imply that
- Lakenheath ground observers were alerted in time to see a luminous object come
- in, at an estimated altitude of 2000-2500 ft, and on a heading towards SW. The
- lower estimated altitude and the altered heading do not match the Bentwaters
- sighting, and the ambiguity so inherent in the AFR200-2 format simply cannot
- be eliminated here, so the precise timing is not certain. All that seems
- certain here is that, at or subsequent to the Bentwaters alert-message,
- Lakenheath ground observers saw a luminous object come in out of the NE at low
- altitude, then _stop_, and take up an easterly heading and resume motion
- eastward out of sight.
- The precise time-sequence of the subsequent observations is not clearly
- deducible from the Lakenheath TWX sent in compliance with AFR200-2. But that
- many very interesting events, scientifically very baffling events, soon took
- place is clear from the report. No followup, from Bluebook or other USAF
- sources,'was undertaken, and so this potentially very important case, like
- hundreds of others, simply sent into the Bluebook files unclarified. I am
- forced to stress that nothing reveals so clearly the past years of
- scientifically inadequate UFO investigation as a few days' visit to Wright-
- Patterson AFB and a diligent reading of Bluebook case reports. No one with any
- genuine scientific interest in solving the UFO problem would have let
- accumulate so many years of reports like this one without seeing to it that
- the UFO reporting and followup investigations were brought into entirely
- different status from that in which they have lain for over 20 years.
- Deficiencies having been noted, I next catalog, without benefit of the
- exact time-ordering that is so crucial to full assessment of any UFO event,
- the intriguing observations and events at or near Lakenheath subsequent to the
- 2255Z alert from Bentwaters.
- 6. Non-chronological Summary of Lakenheath Sightings, 2255Z-0330Z.
- a. _Visual observations from ground._
- As noted two paragraphs above, following the 2255Z alert from GCA
- Bentwaters, USAF ground observers at the Lakenheath RAF Station observed a
- luminous object come in on a southwesterly heading, stop, and then move off
- out of sight to the east. Subsequently, at an unspecified time, two moving
- white lights were seen, and "ground observers stated one white light joined up
- with another and both disappeared in formation together" (recall earlier radar
- observations of merging of targets seen by Bentwaters GCA). No discernible
- features of these luminous sources were noted by ground observers, but both
- the observers and radar operators concurred in their report-description that
- "the objects (were) travelling at terrific speeds and then stopping and
- changing course immediately." In a passage of the original Bluebook report
- which was for some reason not included in the version presented in the Condon
- Report, this concordance of radar and visual observations is underscored:
- "Thus two radar sets (i.e., Lakenheath GCA and RATCC radars) and three ground
- observers report substantially same." Later in the original Lakenheath report,
- this same concordance is reiterated: "the fact that radar and ground visual
- observations were made on its rapid acceleration and abrupt stops certainly
- lend credulance (sic) to the report."
- Since the date of this incident coincides with the date of peak frequency
- of the Perseid meteors, one might ask whether any part of the visual
- observations could have been due to Perseids. The basic Lakenheath report to
- Bluebook notes that the ground observers reported "unusual amount of shooting
- stars in sky", indicating that the erratically moving light(s) were readily
- distinguishable from meteors. The report further remarks thereon that "the
- objects seen were definitely not shooting stars as there were no trails as are
- usual with such sightings." Furthermore, the stopping and course reversals are
- incompatible with any such hypothesis in the first place.
- AFR200-2 stipulates that observer be asked to compare the UFO to the size
- of various familiar objects when held at arm's length (Item 1-B in the
- format). In answer to that item, the report states: "One observer from ground
- stated on first observation object was about size of golf ball. As object
- continued in flight it became a 'pin point'." Even allowing for the usual
- inaccuracies in such estimates, this further rules out Perseids, since that
- shower yields oniy meteors of quite low luminosity.
- In summary of the ground-visual observations, it appears that three ground
- observers at Lakenheath saw at least two luminous objects, saw these over an
- extended though indefinite time period, saw them execute sharp course changes,
- saw them remain motionless at least once, saw two objects merge into a single
- luminous object at one juncture, and reported motions in general accord with
- concurrent radar observations. These ground-visual observations, in
- themselves, constitute scientifically interesting UFO report-material. Neither
- astronomical nor aeronautical explanations, nor any meteorological-optical
- explanations, match well those reported phenomena. One could certainly wish
- for a far more complete and time-fixed report on these visual observations,
- but even the above information suffices to suggest some unusual events. The
- unusualness will be seen to be even greater on next examining the ground-radar
- observations from Lakenheath. And even stronger interest emerges as we then
- turn, last of all, to the airborne-visual and airborne-radar observations made
- near Lakenheath.
- b. _Ground-radar observations at Lakenheath._
- The GCA surveillance radar at Lakenheath is identified as a CPN-4, while
- the RATCC search radar was a CPS-5 (as the non-com correctly recalled in his
- letter). Because the report makes clear that these two sets were concurrently
- following the unknown targets, it is relevant to note that they have different
- wavelengths, pulse repetition frequencies, and scan-rates, which (for reasons
- that need not be elaborated here) tends to rule out several radar-anomaly
- hypotheses (e.g., interference echoes from a distant radar, second-time-around
- effects, AP). However, the reported maneuvers are so unlike any of those
- spurious effects that it seems almost unnecessary to confront those
- possibilities here.
- As with the ground-visual observations, so also with these radar-report
- items, the AFR200-2 format limitations plus the other typical deficiencies of
- reporting of UFO events preclude reconstruction in detail, and in time-order,
- of all the relevant events. I get the impression that the first object seen
- visually by ground observers was not radar-tracked, although this is unclear
- from the report to Bluebook. One target whose motions were jointly followed
- both on the CPS-5 at the Radar Air Traffic Control Center and on the shorter-
- range, faster-scanning CPN-4 at the Lakenheath GCA unit was tracked "from 6
- miles west to about 20 miles SW where target stopped and assumed a stationary
- position for five minutes. Target then assumed a heading northwesterly (I
- presume this was intended to read 'northeasterly', and the non-com so
- indicates in his recollective account of what appears to be the same
- maneuvers) into the Station and stopped two miles NW of Station. Lakenheath
- GCA reports three to four additional targets were doing the same maneuvers in
- the vicinity of the Station. Thus two radar sets and three ground observers
- report substantially same." (Note that the quoted item includes the full
- passage omitted from the Condon Report version, and note that it seems to
- imply that this devious path with two periods of stationary hovering was also
- reported by the visual observers. However, the latter is not entirely certain
- because of ambiguities in the structure of the basic report as forced into the
- AFR200-2 format).
- At some time, which context seems to imply as rather later in the night
- (the radar sightings went on until about 0330Z), "Lakenheath Radar Air Traffic
- Control Center observed object 17 miles east of Station making sharp
- rectangular course of flight. This maneuver was not conducted by circular path
- but on right angles at speeds of 600-800 mph. Object would stop and start with
- amazing rapidity." The report remarks that "...the controllers are experienced
- and technical skills were used in attempts to determine just what the objects
- were. When the target would stop on the scope, the MTI was used. However, the
- target would still appear on the scope." (The latter is puzzling. MTI, Moving
- Target Indication, is a standard feature on search or surveillance radars that
- eliminates ground returns and returns from large buildings and other
- motionless objects. This very curious feature of display of stationary modes
- while the MTI was on adds further strong argument to the negation of any
- hypothesis of anomalous propagation of ground-returns. It was as if the
- unidentified target, while seeming to hover motionless, was actually
- undergoing small-amplitude but high-speed jittering motion to yield a scope-
- displayed return despite the MTI. Since just such jittery motion has been
- reported in visual UFO sightings on many occasions, and since the coarse
- resolution of a PPI display would not permit radar-detection of such motion if
- its amplitude were below, say, one or two hundred meters, this could
- conceivably account for the persistence of the displayed return during the
- episodes of "stationary" hovering, despite use of MTI.)
- The portion of the radar sightings just described seems to have been
- vividly recollected by the retired USAF non-com who first called this case to
- the attention of the Colorado group. Sometime after the initial Bentwaters
- alert, he had his men at the RATCC scanning all available scopes, various
- scopes set at various ranges. He wrote that "...one controller noticed a
- stationary target on the scopes about 20 to 25 miles southwest. This was
- unusual, as a stationary target should have been eliminated unless it was
- moving at a speed of at least 40 to 45 knots. And yet we could detect no
- movement at all. We watched this target on all the different scopes for
- several minutes and I called the GCA Unit at (Lakenheath) to see if they had
- this target on their scope in the same geographical location. As we watched,
- the stationary target started moving at a speed of 400 to 600 mph in a north-
- northeast direction until it reached a point about 20 miles north northwest of
- (Lakenheath). There was no slow start or build-up to this speed -- it was
- constant from the second it started to move until it stopped." (This
- description, written 11 years after the event, matches the 1956 intelligence
- report from the Lakenheath USAF unit so well, even seeming to avoid the
- typographical direction-error that the Lakenheath TWX contained, that one can
- only assume that he was deeply impressed by this whole incident. That, of
- course, is further indicated by the very fact that he wrote the Colorado group
- about it in the first place.) His letter (Condon Report, p. 249) adds that
- "the target made several changes in location, always in a straight line,
- always at about 600 mph and always from a standing or stationary point to his
- next stop at constant speed -- no build-up in speed at all -- these changes in
- location varied from 8 miles to 20 miles in length --no set pattern at any
- time. Time spent stationary between movements also varied from 3 or 4 minutes
- to 5 or 6 minutes..." Because his account jibes so well with the basic
- Bluebook file report in the several particulars in which it can be checked,
- the foregoing quotation from the letter as reproduced in the Condon Report
- stands as meaningful indication of the highly unconventional behavior of the
- unknown aerial target. Even allowing for some recollective uncertainties, the
- non-com's description of the behavior of the unidentified radar target lies so
- far beyond any meteorological, astronomical, or electronic explanation as to
- stand as one challenge to any suggestions that UFO reports are of negligible
- scientific interest.
- The non-com's account indicates that they plotted the discontinuous stop-
- and-go movements of the target for some tens of minutes before it was decided
- to scramble RAF interceptors to investigate. That third major aspect of the
- Lakenheath events must now be considered. (The delay in scrambling
- interceptors is noteworthy in many Air Force-related UFO incidents of the past
- 20 years. I believe this reluctance stems from unwillingness to take action
- lest the decision-maker be accused of taking seriously a phenomenon which the
- Air Force officially treats as non-existent.)
- c. Airborne radar and visual sightings by Venom interceptor.
- An RAF jet interceptor, a Venom single-seat subsonic aircraft equipped
- with an air-intercept (AI) nose radar, was scrambled, according to the basic
- Bluebook report, from Waterbeach RAF Station, which is located about 6 miles
- north of Cambridge, and some 20 miles SW of Lakenheath. Precise time of the
- scramble does not appear in the report to Bluebook, but if we were to try to
- infer the time from the non-com's recollective account, it would seem to have
- been somewhere near midnight. Both the non-com's letter and the contemporary
- intelligence report make clear that Lakenheath radar had one of their
- unidentified targets on-scope as the Venom came in over the Station from
- Waterbeach. The TWX to Blue book states: "The aircraft flew over RAF Station
- Lakenheath and was vectored toward a target on radar 6 miles east of the
- field. Pilot advised he had a bright white light in sight and would
- investigate. At thirteen miles west (east?) he reported loss of target and
- white light."
- It deserves emphasis that the foregoing quote clearly indicates that the
- UFO that the Venom first tried to intercept was being monitored via three
- distinct physical "sensing channels." It was being recorded by _ground radar_,
- by _airborne radar_, and _visually_. Many scientists are entirely unaware that
- Air Force files contain such UFO cases; for this very interesting category has
- never been stressed in USAF discussions of its UFO records. Note, in fact, the
- similarity to the 1957 RB-47 case (Case 1 above) in the evidently simultaneous
- loss of visual and airborne-radar signal here. One wonders if ground radar
- also lost it simultaneously with the Venom pilot's losing it, but, loss of
- visual and airborne-radar signal here. One wonders if ground radar also lost
- it simultaneously with the Venom pilot's losing it, but, as is so typical of
- AFR200-2 reports, incomplete reporting precludes clarification. Nothing in the
- Bluebook case-file on this incident suggests that anyone at Bluebook took any
- trouble to run down that point or the many other residual questions that are
- so painfully evident here. The file does, however, include a lengthy dispatch
- from the then-current Blue book officer, Capt. G. T. Gregory, a dispatch that
- proposes a series of what I must term wholly irrelevant hypotheses about
- Perseid meteors with "ionized gases in their wake which may be traced on
- radarscopes", and inversions that "may cause interference between two radar
- stations some distance apart." Such basically irrelevant remarks are all too
- typical of Bluebook critique over the years. The file also includes a case-
- discussion by Dr. J. A. Hynek, Bluebook consultant, who also toys with the
- idea of possible radar returns from meteor wake ionization. Not only are the
- radar frequencies here about two orders of magnitude too high to afford even
- marginal likelihood of meteor-wake returns, but there is absolutely no
- kinematic similarity between the reported UFO movements and the essentially
- straight-line hypersonic movement of a meteor, to cite just a few of the
- strong objections to any serious consideration of meteor hypotheses for the
- present UFO case. Hynek's memorandum on the case makes some suggestions about
- the need for upgrading Bluebook operations, and then closes with the remarks
- that "The Lakenheath report could constitute a source of embarrassment to the
- Air Force; and should the facts, as so far reported, get into the public
- domain, it is not necessary to point out what excellent use the several dozen
- UFO societies and other 'publicity artists' would make of such an incident. It
- is, therefore, of great importance that further information on the technical
- aspects of the original observations be obtained, without loss of time from
- the original observers." That memo of October 17, 1956,is followed in the
- case-file by Capt. Gregory's November 26, 1956 reply, in which he concludes
- that "our original analyses of anomalous propagation and astronimical is (sic)
- more or less correct"; and there the case investigation seemed to end, at the
- same casually closed level at which hundreds of past UFO cases have been
- closed out at Bluebook with essentially no real scientific critique. I would
- say that it is exceedingly unfortunate that "the facts , as so far reported"
- did not get into the public domain, along with the facts on innumerable other
- Bluebook case-files that should have long ago startled the scientific
- community just as much as they startled me when I took the trouble to go to
- Bluebook and spend a number of days studying those astonishing files.
- Returning to the scientifically fascinating account of the Venom pilot's
- attempt to make an air-intercept on the Lakenheath unidentified object, the
- original report goes on to note that, after the pilot lost both visual and
- radar signals, "RATCC vectored him to a target 10 miles east of Lakenheath and
- pilot advised target was on radar and he was 'locking on.'" Although here we
- are given no information on the important point of whether he also saw a
- luminous object, as he got a radar lock-on, we definitely have another
- instance of at least two-channel detection. The concurrent detection of a
- single radar target by a ground radar and an airborne radar under conditions
- such as these, where the target proves to be a highly maneuverable object (see
- below), categorically rules out any conventional explanations involving, say,
- large ground structures and propagation anomalies. That MTI was being used on
- the ground radar also excludes that, of course.
- The next thing that happened was that the Venom suddenly lost radar lock-
- on as it neared the unknown target. RATCC reported that "as the Venom passed
- the target on radar, the target began a tail chase of the friendly fighter."
- RATCC asked the Venom pilot to acknowledge this turn of events and he did,
- saying "he would try to circle and get behind the target." His attempts were
- unsuccessful, which the report to Bluebook describes only in the terse
- comment, "Pilot advised he was unable to 'shake' the target off his tail and
- requested assistance." The non-com's letter is more detailed and much more
- emphatic. He first remarks that the UFO's sudden evasive movement into tail
- position was so swift that he missed it on his own scope, "but it was seen by
- the other controllers." His letter then goes on to note that the Venom pilot
- "tried everything -- he climbed, dived, circled, etc., but the UFO acted like
- it was glued right behind him, always the same distance, very close, but we
- always had two distinct targets." Here again, note how the basic report is
- annoyingly incomplete. One is not told whether the pilot knew the UFO was
- pursuing his Venom by virtue of some tail-radar warning device of type often
- used on fighters (none is alluded to), or because he could see a luminous
- object in pursuit. In order for him to "acknowledge" the chase seems to
- require one or the other detection-mode, yet the report fails to clarify this
- important point. However, the available information does make quite clear that
- the pursuit was being observed on ground radar, and the non-com's recollection
- puts the duration of the pursuit at perhaps 10 minutes before the pilot
- elected to return to his base. Very significantly, the intelligence report
- from Lakenheath to Bluebook quotes this first pilot as saying "clearest target
- I have ever seen on radar", which again eliminates a number of hypotheses, and
- argues most cogently the scientific significance of the whole episode.
- The non-com recalled that, as the first Venom returned to Waterbeach
- Aerodrome when fuel ran low, the UFO followed him a short distance and then
- stopped; that important detail is, however, not in the Bluebook report. A
- second Venom was then scrambled, but, in the short time before a malfunction
- forced it to return to Waterbeach, no intercepts were accomplished by that
- second pilot.
- 7. Discussion:
- The Bluebook report material indicates that other radar unknowns were
- being observed at Lakenheath until about 0330Z. Since the first radar unknowns
- appeared near Bentwaters at about 2130Z on 8/13/56, while the Lakenheath
- events terminated near 0330Z on 8/14/56, the total duration of this UFO
- episode was about six hours. The case includes an impressive number of
- scientifically provocative features:
- 1) At least three separate instances occurred in which one ground-radar
- unit, GCA Bentwaters, tracked some unidentified target for a number
- of tens of miles across its scope at speeds in excess of Mach 3.
- Since even today, 12 years later, no nation has disclosed military
- aircraft capable of flight at such speeds (we may exclude the X-15),
- and since that speed is much too low to fit any meteoric hypothesis,
- this first feature (entirely omitted from discussion in the Condon
- Report) is quite puzzling. However, Air Force UFO files and other
- sources contain many such instances of nearly hypersonic speeds of
- radar-tracked UFOs.
- 2) In one instance, about a dozen low-speed (order of 100 mph) targets
- moved in loose formation led by three closely-spaced targets, the
- assemblage yielding consistent returns over a path of about 50 miles,
- after which they merged into a single large target, remained
- motionless for some 10-15 minutes, and then moved off-scope. Under
- the reported wind conditions, not even a highly contrived
- meteorological explanation invoking anomalous propagation and
- inversion layer waves would account for this sequence observed at
- Bentwaters. The Condon Report omits all discussion of items 1) and
- 2), for reasons that I find difficult to understand.
- 3) One of the fast-track radar sightings at Bentwaters, at 2255Z,
- coincided with visual observations of some very-high-speed luminous
- source seen by both a tower operator on the ground and by a pilot
- aloft who saw the light moving in a blur below his aircraft at 4000
- ft altitude. The radar-derived speed "as given as 2000-4000 mph.
- Again, meteors won't fit such speeds and altitudes, and we may
- exclude aircraft for several evident reasons, including absence of
- any thundering sonic boom that would surely have been reported if any
- near hypothetical secret 1956-vintage hypersonic device were flying
- over Bentwaters at less than 4000 ft that night.
- 4) Several ground observers at Lakenheath saw luminous obJects
- exhibiting non-ballistic motions, including dead stops and sharp
- course reversals.
- 5) In one instance, two luminous white objects merged into a single
- object, as seen from the ground at Lakenheath. This wholly unmeteoric
- and unaeronautical phenomenon is actually a not-uncommon feature of
- UFO reports during the last two decades. For example, radar-tracked
- merging of two targets that veered together sharply before Joining up
- was reported over Kincheloe AFB, Michigan, in a UFO report that also
- appears in the Condon Report (p. 164), quite unreasonably attributed
- therein to "anomalous propagation."
- 6) Two separate ground radars at Lakenheath, having rather different
- radar parameters, were concurrently observing movements of one or
- more unknown targets over an extended period of time. Seemingly
- stationary hovering modes were repeatedly observed, and this despite
- use of MTI. Seemingly "instantaneous" accelerations from rest to
- speeds of order of Mach 1 were repeatedly observed. Such motions
- cannot readily be explained in terms of any known aircraft flying
- then or now, and also fail to fit known electronic or propagation
- anomalies. The Bluebook report gives the impression (somewhat
- ambiguously, however) that some of these two-radar observations were
- coincident with ground-visual observations.
- 7) In at least one instance, the Bluebook report makes clear that an
- unidentified luminous target was seen visually from the air by the
- pilot of an interceptor while getting simultaneous radar returns from
- the unknown with his nose radar concurrent with ground-radar
- detection of the same unknown. This is scientifically highly
- significant, for it entails three separate detection-channels all
- recording the unknown object.
- 8) In _at least_ one instance, there was simultaneous radar
- disappearance and visual disappearance of the UFO. This is akin to
- similar events in other known UFO cases, yet is not easily explained
- in terms of conventional phenomena.
- 9) Attempts of the interceptor to close on one target seen both on
- ground radar and on the interceptor's nose radar, led to a puzzling
- rapid interchange of roles as the unknown object moved into tail-
- position behind the interceptor. While under continuing radar
- observation from the ground, with both aircraft and unidentified
- object clearly displayed on the Lakenheath ground radars, the pilot
- of the interceptor tried unsuccessfully to break the tail chase over
- a time of some minutes. No ghost-return or multiple-scatter
- hypothesis can explain such an event.
- I believe that the cited sequence of extremely baffling events, involving
- so many observers and so many distinct observing channels, and exhibiting such
- unconventional features, should have led to the most intensive Air Force
- inquiries. But I would have to say precisely the same about dozens of other
- inexplicable Air Force-related UFO incidents reported to Bluebook since 1947.
- What the above illustrative case shows all too well is that highly unusual
- events have been occurring under circumstances where any organization with
- even passing scientific curiosity should have responded vigorously, yet the
- Air Force UFO program has repeatedly exhibited just as little response as I
- have noted in the above 1956 Lakenheath incident. The Air Force UFO program,
- contrary to the impression held by most scientists here and abroad, has been
- an exceedingly superficial and generally quite incompetent program. Repeated
- suggestions from Air Force press offices, to the effect that "the best
- scientific talents available to the U.S. Air Force" have been brought to bear
- on the UFO question are so far from the truth as to be almost laughable, yet
- those suggestions have served to mislead the scientific community, here and
- abroad, into thinking that careful investigations were yielding solid
- conclusions to the effect that the UFO problem was a nonsense problem. The Air
- Force has given us all the impression that its UFO reports involved only
- misidentified phenomena of conventional sorts. That, I submit, is far from
- correct, and the Air Force has not responsibly discharged its obligations to
- the public in conveying so gross a misimpression for twenty years. I charge
- incompetence, not conspiracy, let me stress.
- The Condon Report, although disposed to suspicion that perhaps some sort
- of anomalous radar propagation might be involved (I record here my objection
- that the Condon Report exhibits repeated instances of misunderstanding of the
- limits of anomalous propagation effects), does concede that Lakenheath is an
- unexplained case. Indeed, the Report ends its discussion with the quite
- curious admission that, in the Lakenheath episode, "...the probability that at
- least one genuine UFO was involved appears to be fairly high."
- One could easily become enmeshed in a semantic dispute over the meaning of
- the phrase, "one genuine UFO", so I shall simply assert that my own position
- is that the Lakenheath case exemplifies a disturbingly large group of UFO
- reports in which the apparent degree of scientific inexplicability is so great
- that, instead of being ignored and laughed at, those cases should all along
- since 1947 have been drawing the attention of a large body of the world's best
- scientists. Had the latter occurred, we might now have some answers, some
- clues to the real nature of the UFO phenomena. But 22 years of inadequate UFO
- investigations have kept this stunning scientific problem out of sight and
- under a very broad rug called Project Bluebook, whose final termination on
- December 18, 1969 ought to mark the end of an era and the start of a new one
- relative to the UFO problem.
- More specifically, with cases like Lakenheath and the 1957 RB-47 case and
- many others equally puzzling that are to be found within the Condon Report, I
- contest Condon's principal conclusion "that further extensive study of UFOs
- probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced
- thereby." And I contest the endorsement of such a conclusion by a panel of the
- National Academy of Sciences, an endorsement that appears to be based upon
- essentially _zero_ independent scientific cross-checking of case material in
- the Report. Finally, I question the judgment of those Air Force scientific
- offices and agencies that have accepted so weak a report. The Lakenheath case
- is just one example of the basis upon which I rest those objections. I am
- prepared to discuss many more examples.
- 8. The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis:
- In this Lakenheath UFO episode, we have evidence of some phenomena defying
- ready explanation in terms of present-day science and technology, some
- phenomena that include enough suggestion of intelligent control (tail-chase
- incident here), or some broadly cybernetic equivalent thereof, that it is
- difficult for me to see any reasonable alternative to the hypothesis that
- something in the nature of extraterrestrial devices engaged-in something in
- the nature of surveillance lies at the heart of the UFO problem. That is the
- hypothesis that my own study of the UFO problem leads me to regard as most
- probable in terms of my present information. This is, like all scientific
- hypotheses, a working hypothesis to be accepted or rejected only on the basis
- of continuing investigation. Present evidence surely does not amount to
- incontrovertible proof of the extraterrestrial hypothesis. What I find
- scientifically dismaying is that, while a large body of UFO evidence now seems
- to point in no other direction than the extraterrestrial hypothesis, the
- profoundly important implications of that possibility are going unconsidered
- by the scientific community because this entire problem has been imputed to be
- little more than a nonsense matter unworthy of serious scientific attention.
- Those overtones have been generated almost entirely by scientists and others
- who have done essentially no real investigation of the problem-area in which
- they express such strong opinions. Science is not supposed to proceed in that
- manner, and this AAAS Symposium should see an end to such approaches to the
- UFO problem.
- Put more briefly, doesn't a UFO case like Lakenheath warrant more than a
- mere shrug of the shoulders from science?
- Case 3. Haneda Air Force Base, Japan, August 5-6, 1952.
- Brief summary: USAF tower operators at Haneda AFB observed an unusually bright
- bluish-white light to their NE, alerted the GCI radar unit at Shiroi, which
- then called for a scramble of an F94 interceptor after getting radar returns
- in same general area. GCI ground radar vectored the F94 to an orbiting unknown
- target, which the F94 picked up on its airborne radar. The target then
- accelerated out of the F94's radar range after 90 seconds of pursuit that was
- followed also on the Shiroi GCI radar.
- 1. Introduction:
- The visual and radar sightings at Haneda AFB, Japan, on August 5-6, 1952,
- represent an example of a long-puzzling case, still carried as an unidentified
- case by Project Bluebook, at my latest check, and chosen for analysis in the
- Condon Report. In the latter, is putatively explained in terms of a
- combination of diffraction and mirage distortion of the star Capella, as far
- as the visual parts are concerned, while the radar portions are attributed to
- anomalous propagation. I find very serious difficulties with those
- "explanations" and regard them as typical of a number of rather casually
- advanced explanations of long-standing UFO cases that appear in the Condon
- Report. Because this case has been discussed in such books as those of
- Ruppelt, Keyhoe, and Hall, it is of particular interest to carefully examine
- case-details on it and then to examine the basis of the Condon Report's
- explanation of it, as example of how the Condon Report disposed of old
- "classic cases."
- Haneda AFB, active during the Korean War, lay about midway between central
- Tokyo and central Yokohama, adjacent to Tokyo International Airport. The 1952
- UFO incident began with visual sightings of a brilliant object in the
- northeastern sky, as seen by two control tower operators going on duty at 2330
- LST (all times hereafter will be LST). It will serve brevity to introduce some
- coded name designations for these men and for several officers involved, since
- neither the Condon Report, nor my copies of the original Bluebook case-file
- show names (excised from latter copies in accordance with Bluebook practice on
- non-release of witness names in UFO cases):
- Coded Identification
- Designation --------------
- -----------
- Airman A One of two Haneda tower operators who first sighted light.
- Rank was A/3c.
- Airman B Second Haneda tower operator to first sight light. Rank
- was A/1c.
- Lt. A Controller on duty at Shiroi GCI unit up to 2400, 8/5/52.
- Rank was 1st Lt.
- Lt. B Controller at Shiroi after 0000, 8/6/52, also 1st Lt.
- Lt. P Pilot of scrambled F94, also 1st Lt.
- Lt. R Radar officer in F94, also 1st Lt.
- Shiroi GCI Station, manned by the 528th AC&W (Aircraft Control and
- Warning) Group, lay approximately 20 miles NE of Haneda (specifically at 35
- deg. 49' N, 140 deg. 2' E) and had a CPS-1 10-cm search radar plus a CPS 10-
- cm height-finding radar. Two other USAF facilities figure in the incident,
- Tachikawa AFB, lying just over 20 miles WNW of Haneda, and Johnson AFB, almost
- 30 miles NW of Waneda. The main radar incidents center over the north
- extremity of Tokyo Bay, roughly midway from central Tokyo to Chiba across the
- Bay.
- The Bluebook case-file on this incident contains 25 pages, and since the
- incident predates promulgation of AFR200-2, the strictures on time-reporting,
- etc., are not here so bothersome as in the Lakenheath case of 1956, discussed
- above. Nevertheless, the same kind of disturbing internal inconsistencies are
- present here as one finds in most Bluebook case reports; in particular, there
- is a bothersome variation in times given for specific events in different
- portions of the case-file. One of these, stressed in the Condon Report, will
- be discussed explicitly below; but for the rest, I shall use those times which
- appear to yield the greatest over-all internal consistency. This will
- introduce no serious errors, since the uncertainties are mostly only 1 or 2
- minutes and, except for the cited instance, do not alter any important
- implications regardless of which cited time is used. The over-all duration of
- the visual and radar sightings is about 50 minutes. The items of main interest
- occurred between 2330 and 0020, approximately.
- Although this case involves both visual and radar observations of
- unidentified objects, careful examination does not support the view that the
- same object was ever assuredly seen visually and on radar at the same time,
- with the possible exception of the very first radar detection just after 2330.
- Thus it is not a "radar-visual" case, in the more significant sense of
- concurrent two-channel observations of an unknown object. This point will be
- discussed further in Section 5.
- 2. Visual Observations:
- a. First visual detection.
- At 2330, Airmen A and B, while walking across the ramp at Haneda AFB to go
- on the midnight shift at the airfield control tower, noticed an
- "exceptionally bright light" in their northeastern sky. They went
- immediately to the control tower to alert two other on-duty controllers to
- it and to examine it more carefully with the aid of the 7x50 binoculars
- available in the tower. The Bluebook case-file notes that the two
- controllers already on tower-duty "had not previously noticed it because
- the operating load had been keeping their attention elsewhere. "
- b. Independent visual detection at Tachikawa AFB.
- About ten minutes later, according to the August 12, 1952, Air
- Intelligence Information Report (IR-35-52) in the Bluebook case-file;
- Haneda was queried about an unusually bright light by controllers at
- Tachikawa AFB, 21 miles to their WNW. IR-35-52 states: "The control tower
- at Tachikawa Air Force Base called Haneda tower at approximately 2350 to
- bring their attention to a brilliant white light over Tokyo Bay. The tower
- replied that it had been in view for some time and that it was being
- checked."
- This feature of the report is significant in two respects: 1) It indicates
- that the luminous source was of sufficiently unusual brilliance to cause
- two separate groups of Air Force controllers at two airfields to respond
- independently and to take alert-actions; and 2) More significantly, the
- fact that the Tachikawa controllers saw the source in a direction "over
- Tokyo Bay" implies a line-of-sight distinctly south of east. From
- Tachikawa, even the north end of the Bay lies to the ESE. Thus the
- intersection of the two lines of sight fell somewhere in the northern half
- of the Bay, it would appear. As will be seen later, this is where the most
- significant parts of the radar tracking occurred subsequently.
- c. Direction, intensity, and configuration of
- the luminous source.
- IR-35-52 contains a signed statement by Air man A, a sketch of the way the
- luminous source looked through 7-power binoculars, and summary comments by
- Capt. Charle"s J. Malven, the FEAF intelligence officer preparing the
- report for transmission to Bluebook.
- Airman A's own statement gives the bearing of the source as NNE; Malven
- summary specifies only NE. Presumably the witness' statement is the more
- reliable, and it also seems to be given a greater degree of precision,
- whence a line-of-sight azimuth somewhere in the range of 25 to 35 deg.
- east of north appears to be involved in the Haneda sightings. By contrast,
- the Tachikawa sighting-azimuth was in excess of 90 deg. from north, and
- probably beyond 100 deg., considering the geography involved, a point I
- shall return to later.
- Several different items in the report indicate the high _intensity_ of the
- source. Airman A's signed statement refers to it as "the intense bright
- light over the Bay." The annotated sketch speaks of "constant brilliance
- across the entire area" of the (extended) source, and remarks on "the
- blinding effect from the brilliant light." Malven's summary even points
- out that "Observers stated that their eyes would fatigue rapidly when they
- attempted to concentrate their vision on the object," and elsewhere speaks
- of "the brilliant blue-white light of the object." Most of these
- indications of brightness are omitted from the Condon Report, yet bear on
- the Capella hypothesis in terms of which that Report seeks to dispose of
- these visual sightings.
- Airman A's filed statement includes the remark that "I know it wasn't a
- star, weather balloon or venus, because I compared it with all three."
- This calls for two comments. First, Venus is referred to elsewhere in the
- case-file, but this is certainly a matter of confusion, inasmuch as Venus
- had set that night before about 2000 LST. Since elsewhere in the report
- reference is made to Venus lying in the East, and since the only
- noticeable celestial object in that sector at that time would have been
- Jupiter, I would infer that where "Venus" is cited in the case-file, one
- should read "Jupiter." Jupiter would have risen near 2300, almost due
- east, with apparent magnitude -2.0. Thus Airman A's assertion that the
- object was brighter than "Venus" may probably be taken to imply something
- of the order of magnitude -3.0 or brighter. Indeed, since it is most
- unlikely that any observer would speak of a -3.0 magnitude source as
- "blinding" or "fatiguing" to look at, I would suggest that the actual
- luminosity, at its periods of peak value (see below) must have exceeded
- even magnitude -3 by a substantial margin.
- Airman A's allusion to the intensity as compared with a "weather balloon"
- refers to the comparisons (elaborated below) with the light suspended from
- a pilot balloon released near the tower at 2400 that night and observed by
- the tower controllers to scale the size and brightness. This is a very
- fortunate scaling comparison, because the small battery-operated lights
- long used in meteorological practice have a known luminosity of about 1.5
- candle. Since a 1-candle source at 1 kilometer yields apparent magnitude
- 0.8, inverse-square scaling for the here known balloon distance of 2000
- feet (see below) implies an apparent magnitude of about -0.5 for the
- balloon-light as viewed at time of launch. Capt. Malven's summary states,
- in discussing this quite helpful comparison, "The balloon's light was
- described as extremely dim and yellow, when compared to the brilliant blue
- white light of the object." Here again, I believe one can safely infer an
- apparent luminosity of the object well beyond Jupiter's -2.0. Thus, we
- have here a number of compatible indications of apparent brightness well
- beyond that of any star, which will later be seen to contradict
- explanations proposed in the Condon Report for the visual portions of the
- Haneda sightings.
- Of further interest relative to any stellar source hypothesis are the
- descriptions of the _configuration_ of the object as seen with 7-power
- binoculars from the Haneda tower, and its approximate _angular diameter_.
- Fortunately, the latter seems to have been adjudged in direct comparison
- with an object of determinate angular subtense that was in view in the
- middle of the roughly 50-minute sighting. At 2400, a small weather balloon
- was released from a point at a known distance of 2000 ft from the control
- tower. Its diameter at release was approximately 24 inches. (IR-35-52
- refers to it as a "ceiling balloon", but the cloud-cover data contained
- therein is such that no ceiling balloon would have been called for.
- Furthermore, the specified balloon mass, 30 grams, and diameter, 2 ft, are
- precisely those of a standard pilot balloon for upper-wind measurement.
- And finally, the time [2400 LST = 1500Z] was the standard time for a pilot
- balloon run, back in that period.) A balloon of 2-ft diameter at 2000-ft
- range would subtend 1 milliradian, or just over 3 minutes of arc, and this
- was used by the tower observers to scale the apparent angular subtense of
- the luminous source. As IR-35-52 puts it: "Three of the operators
- indicated the size of the light, when closest to the tower, was
- approximately the same as the small ceiling balloons (30 grams, appearing
- 24 inches in diameter) when launched from the weather station, located at
- about 2000 ft from the tower. This would make the size of the central
- light about 50 ft in diameter, when at the 10 miles distance tracked by
- GCI.... A lighted weather balloon was launched at 2400 hours..." Thus, it
- would appear that an apparent angular subtense close to 3 minutes of arc
- is a reasonably reliable estimate for the light as seen by naked eye from
- Haneda. This is almost twice the average resolution-limit of the human
- eye, quite large enough to match the reported impressions that it had
- discernible extent, i.e., was not merely a point source.
- But the latter is very much more clearly spelled out, in any event, for
- IR-35-52 gives a fairly detailed description of the object's appearance
- through 7-power binoculars. It is to be noted that, if the naked-eye
- diameter were about 3 minutes, its apparent subtense when viewed through
- 7X-binoculars would be about 20 minutes, or two-thirds the naked-eye
- angular diameter of the full moon -- quite large enough to permit
- recognition of the finer details cited in IR-35-52, as follows: "The light
- was described as circular in shape, with brilliance appearing to be
- constant across the face. The light appeared to be a portion of a large
- round dark shape which was about four times the diameter of the light.
- When the object was close enough for details to be seen, a smaller, less
- brilliant light could be seen at the lower left hand edge, with two or
- three more dim lights running in a curved line along the rest of the lower
- edge of the dark shape. Only the lower portion of the darker shape could
- be determined, due to the lighter sky which was believed to have blended
- with the upper side of the object. No rotation was noticed. No sound was
- heard."
- Keeping in mind that those details are, in effect, described for an image
- corresponding in apparent angular size to over half a lunar diameter, the
- detail is by no means beyond the undiscernible limit. The sketch included
- with IR-35-52 matches the foregoing description, indicating a central
- disc of "constant brilliance across entire area (not due to a point source
- of light)", an annular dark area of overall diameter 3-4 times that of the
- central luminary, and having four distinct lights on the lower periphery,
- "light at lower left, small and fairly bright, other lights dimmer and
- possibly smaller." Finally, supportive comment thereon is contained in the
- signed statement of Airman A. He comments: "After we got in the tower I
- started looking at it with binoculars, which made the object much clearer.
- Around the bright white light in the middle, there was a darker object
- which stood out against the sky, having little white lights along the
- outer edge, and a glare around the whole thing."
- All of these configurational details, like the indications of a quite un-
- starlike brilliance, will be seen below to be almost entirely
- unexplainable on the Capella hypothesis with which the Condon Report seeks
- to settle the Haneda visual sightings. Further questions ultimately arise
- from examination of reported apparent motions of the luminous source,
- which will be considered next.
- d. Reported descriptions of apparent motions of
- the luminous source.
- Here we meet the single most important ambiguity in the Haneda case-file,
- though the weight of the evidence indicates that the luminous object
- exhibited definite movements. The ambiguity arises chiefly from the way
- Capt. Malven summarized the matter in his IR-35-52 report a week after the
- incident; "The object faded twice to the East, then returned. Observers
- were uncertain whether disappearance was due to a dimming of the lights,
- rotation of object, or to the object moving away at terrific speed, since
- at times of fading the object was difficult to follow closely, except as a
- small light. Observers did agree that when close, the object did appear to
- move horizontally, varying apparent position and speed slightly." Aside
- from the closing comment, all of Malven's summary remarks could be
- interpreted as implying either solely radial motion (improbable because it
- would imply the Haneda observers just happened to be in precisely the spot
- from which no crosswise velocity component could be perceived) or else
- merely illusion of approach and recession due to some intrinsic or
- extrinsic time-variation in apparent brightness.
- In contrast to the above form in which Malven summarized the reported
- motions, the way Airman A described them in his own statement seems to
- refer to distinct motions, including transverse components: "I watched
- it disappear twice through the glasses. It seemed to travel to the East
- and gaining altitude at a very fast speed, much faster than any jet. Every
- time it disappeared it returned again, except for the last time when the
- jets were around. It seemed to know they were there. As for an estimate of
- the size of the object -- I couldn't even guess." Recalling that elsewhere
- in that same signed statement this tower controller had given the observed
- direction to the object as NNE, his specification that the object "seemed
- to travel to the East" seems quite clearly to imply a non radial motion,
- since, if only an impression of the latter were involved, one would
- presume he would have spoken of it in some such terms as "climbing out
- rapidly to the NNE". Since greater weight is presumably to be placed on
- direct-witness testimony than on another's summary thereof, it appears
- necessary to assume that not mere radial recession but also transverse
- components of recession. upwards and towards the East, were observed.
- That the luminous source varied substantially in angular subtense is made
- very clear at several points in the case-file: One passage already cited
- discusses the "size of the light, when closest to the tower...", while, by
- contrast, another says that: "At the greatest distance, the size of the
- light appeared slightly larger than Venus, approximately due East of
- Haneda, and slightly brighter." (For "Venus" read "Jupiter" as noted
- above. Jupiter was then near quadrature with angular diameter of around 40
- seconds of arc. Since the naked eye is a poor judge of comparative angular
- diameters that far below the resolution limit, little more can safely be
- read into that statement than the conclusion that the object's luminous
- disc diminished quite noticeably and its apparent brightness fell to a
- level comparable to or a bit greater than Jupiter's when at greatest
- perceived distance. By virtue of the latter, it should be noted, one has
- another basis for concluding that when at peak brilliance it must have
- been considerably brighter than Jupiter's -2.0, a conclusion already
- reached by other arguments above.
- In addition to exhibiting what seems to imply recession, eastward motion,
- and climb to disappearance, the source also disappeared for at least one
- other period far too long to be attributed to any scintillation or other
- such meteorological optical effect: "When we were about half way across
- the ramp (Airman A stated), it disappeared for the first time and returned
- to approximately the same spot about 15 seconds later." There were
- scattered clouds over Haneda at around 15-16,000 ft, and a very few
- isolated clouds lower down, yet it was full moon that night and, if
- patches of clouds had drifted very near the controllers' line-of-sight to
- the object, they could be expected to have seen the clouds. (The upper
- deck was evidently thin, for Capt. Malven notes in his report that "The
- F94 crew reported exceptional visibility and stated that the upper cloud
- layer did not appreciably affect the brilliancy of the moonlight.") A thin
- cloud interposed between observer and a distant luminous source would
- yield an impression of dimming and enhanced effective angular diameter,
- not dimming and reduced apparent size, as reported here. I believe the
- described "disappearances" cannot, in view of these several
- considerations, reasonably be attributed to cloud effects.
- I have now summarized the essential features of the Haneda report dealing
- with just the visual observations of some bright luminous source that
- initiated the alert and that led to the ground-radar and air borne-radar
- observations yet to be described. Before turning to those, which comprise, in
- fact, the more significant portion of the over-all sighting, it will be best
- to turn next to a critique of the Blue book and the Condon Report attempts to
- give an explanation of the visual portions of the sighting.
- 3. Bluebook Critique of the Visual Sightings:
- In IR-35-52. Capt, Malven offers only one hypothesis, and that in only
- passing manner: He speculates briefly on whether "reflections off the water
- (of the Bay, I presume) were...sufficient to form secondary reflections off
- the lower clouds," and by the latter he refers to "isolated patches of thin
- clouds reported by the F-94 crew as being at approximately 4000 feet..." He
- adds that "these clouds were not reported to be visible by the control tower
- personnel," which, in view of the 60-mile visibility cited elsewhere in the
- case-file and in view of the full moon then near the local meridian, suggests
- that those lower clouds must have been exceedingly widely scattered to escape
- detection by the controllers.
- What Malven seems to offer there, as an hypothesis for the observed visual
- source, is cloud-reflection of moonlight -- and in manner all too typical of
- many other curious physical explanations one finds scattered through Bluebook
- case-files, he brings in a consideration that reveals lack of appreciation of
- what is central to the issue. If he wants to talk about cloud-reflected
- moonlight, why render a poor argument even weaker by invoking not direct moon
- light but moonlight secondarily reflected off the surface of Tokyo Bay?
- Without even considering further that odd twist in his tentative hypothesis,
- it is sufficient to note that even direct moonlight striking a patch of cloud
- is not "reflected in any ordinary sense of that term. It is scattered from the
- cloud droplets and thereby serves not to create any image of a discrete light
- source of blinding intensity that fatigues observers' eyes and does the other
- things reported by the Haneda observers, but rather serves merely to palely
- illuminate a passing patch of cloud material. A very poor hypothesis.
- Malven drops that hypothesis without putting any real stress on it (with
- judgment that is not always found where equally absurd "explanations" have
- been advanced in innumerable other Bluebook case-files by reporting officers
- or by Bluebook staff members). He does add that there was some thunderstorm
- activity reported that night off to the northwest of Tokyo, but mentions that
- there was no reported electrical activity therein. Since the direction is
- opposite to the line of sight and since the reported visual phenomena bear no
- relation to lightning effects, this carried the matter no further, and the
- report drops that point there.
- Finally, Malven mentions very casually an idea that I have encountered
- repeatedly in Bluebook files yet nowhere else in my studies of atmospheric
- physics, namely, "reflections off ionized portions of the atmosphere." He
- states: "Although many sightings might be attributed to visual and electrical
- reflections off ionized areas in the atmosphere, the near-perfect visibility
- on the night of the sighting, together with the circular orbit of the object
- would tend to disprove this theory." Evidently he rejects the "ionized areas"
- hypothesis on the ground that presence of such areas is probably ruled out in
- view of the unusually good visibility reported that night. I trust that, for
- most readers of this discussion, I would only be belaboring the obvious to
- remark that Bluebook mythology about radar and visual "reflections" off
- "ionized regions" in the clear atmosphere (which mythology I have recently
- managed to trace back even to pre-1950 Air Force documents on UFO reports) has
- no known basis in fact, but is just one more of the all too numerous measures
- of how little scientific critique the Air Force has managed to bring to bear
- on its UFO problems over the years.
- Although the final Bluebook evaluation of this entire case, including the
- visual portions, was and is "Unidentified", indicating that none of the above
- was regarded as an adequate explanation of even the visual features of the
- report, one cannot overlook extremely serious deficiencies in the basic report
- ing and the interrogation and follow-up here. This incident occurred in that
- period which my own studies lead me to describe as sort of a highwater mark
- for Project Bluebook. Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt was then Bluebook Officer at
- Wright-Patterson AFB, and both he and his superiors were then taking the UFO
- problem more seriously than it was taken by USAF at any other time in the past
- 22 years. Neither before nor after 1952-3 were there as many efforts made to
- assemble case-information, to go out and actually check in the field on
- sightings, etc. Yet it should be uncomfortably apparent already at this point
- in this discussion of the Haneda case that quite basic points were not run to
- ground and pinned down. Ruppelt, in his 1956 book, speaks of this Haneda case
- as if it were regarded as one of the most completely reported cases they'd
- received as of mid-1952. He mentioned that his office sent a query to FEAF
- offices about a few points of confusion, and that the replies came back with
- impressive promptness, etc. If one needed some specific clue to the
- regrettably low scientific level of the operation of Bluebook even during this
- period of comparatively energetic case-investigation, one can find it in study
- of the Haneda report. Even so simple a matter as checking whether Venus was
- actually in the East was obviously left undone; and numerous cross-questions
- and followup queries on motions, angles, times, etc., not even thought of.
- That, I stress, is what any scientist who studies the Bluebook files as I have
- done will find all through 22 years of Air Force handling of the UFO problem.
- Incompetence and superficiality -- even at the 1952 highwater mark under
- Ruppelt's relatively vigorous Project-direction.
- 4. Condon Report Critique of the Visual Sightings:
- On p. 126 of the Condon Report, the luminous source discussed above is
- explained as a diffracted image of the star Capella: "The most likely source
- to have produced the visual obJect is the star Capella (magnitude 0.2), which
- was 8 deg. above horizon at 37 deg. azimuth at 2400 LST. The precise nature of
- the optical propagation mechanism that would have produced such a strangely
- diffracted image as reported by the Haneda AFB observers must remain
- conjectural."
- Suggesting that perhaps "a sharp temperature inversion may have existed at
- the top of (an inferred) moist layer, below which patches of fog or mist could
- collect," the Report continues as follows: "The observed diffraction pattern
- could have been produced by either (1) interference effects associated with
- propagation within and near the top of an inversion, or (2) a corona with a
- dark aureole produced by a mist of droplets of water of about 0.2 mm diameter
- spaced at regular intervals is described by Minnaert (1954). In either event,
- the phenomenon must be quite rare. The brightness of the image may have been
- due in part to 'Raman brightening' of an image seen through an inversion
- layer."
- And in the final paragraph discussing this case, the Condon Report merely
- rounds it off to: "In summary , it appears that the most probable causes of
- this UFO report are an optical effect on a bright light source that produced
- the visual sighting..." (and goes on to a remark on the radar portions we have
- yet to examine here) .
- There are some very serious difficulties with the more specific parts of
- the suggested explanation, and the vagueness of the other parts is
- sufficiently self-evident to need little comment.
- First, nothing in the literature of meteorological optics discusses any
- diffraction-produced coronae with a dark annular space extending out to three
- or four diameters of the central luminary, such as is postulated in the above
- Condon Report explanation. The radial intensity pattern of a corona may be
- roughly described as a damped oscillatory radial variation of luminosity, with
- zero intensity minima (for the simple case of a monochromatic luminary) at
- roughly equal intervals, and no broad light-free annulus comparable to that
- described in detail by the Haneda controllers. Thus, lack of understanding of
- the nature of coronae is revealed at the outset in attempting to fit the
- Haneda observations to such a phenomenon.
- Second, droplets certainly do not have to be "spaced at regular intervals"
- to yield a corona, and Minnaert's book makes no such suggestion, another
- measure of misunderstanding of the meteorological optics here concerned. Nor
- is there any physical mechanism operating in clouds capable of yielding any
- such regular droplet spacing. Both Minnaert and cloud physics are
- misunderstood in that passage.
- Third, one quickly finds, by some trial calculations, using the familiar
- optical relation (Exner equation) for the radial positions of the minima of
- the classical corona pattern, that the cited drop diameter of 0.2 mm = 200
- microns was obtained in the Condon Report by back-calculating from a tacit
- requirement that the first-order minimum lay close to 3 milliradians, for
- these are the values that satisfy the Exner equation for an assumed wavelength
- of about 0.5 microns for visible light. This discloses even more thorough
- misunderstanding of corona optics, for that first-order minimum marks not some
- outer edge of a broad dark annulus as described and sketched by the Haneda
- tower operators, but the outer edge of the innermost annulus of high intensity
- of diffracted light. This clearly identifies basic misunderstanding of the
- matters at hand.
- Fourth, the just-cited computation yielded a droplet diameter of 200
- microns, which is so large as to be found only in drizzling or raining clouds
- and never in thin scattered clouds of the sort here reported, clouds that
- scarcely attenuated the full moon's light. That is, the suggestion that
- "patches of fog or mist" collected under an hypothesized inversion could grow
- droplets of that large size is meteorologically out of the question. If
- isolated patches of clouds interposed themselves on an observer's line of
- sight to some distant luminary, under conditions of the sort prevailing at
- Haneda that night, drop diameters down in the range of 10-20 microns would be
- the largest one could expect, and the corona-size would be some 10 to 20 times
- greater than the 3 milliradians which was plugged into the Exner equation in
- the above-cited computation. And this would, of course, not even begin to
- match anything observed that night.
- Fifth, the vague suggestion that "Raman brightening" or other
- "interference effects associated with propagation within and near the top of
- an inversion" is involved here makes the same serious error that is made in
- attempted optical explanations of other cases in the Condon Report. Here we
- are asked to consider that light from Capella, whose altitude was about 8 deg.
- above the NE horizon (a value that I confirm) near the time of the Haneda
- observations, was subjected to Raman brightening or its equivalent; yet one of
- the strict requirements of all such interference effects is that the ray paths
- impinge on the inversion surface at grazing angles of incidence of only a
- small fraction of a degree. No ground observer viewing Capella at 8 deg.
- elevation angle could possibly see anything like Raman brightening, for the
- pertinent angular limits would be exceeded by one or two orders of magnitude.
- Added to this measure of misunderstandlng of the optics of such interference
- phenomena in this attempted explanation is the further difficulty that, for
- any such situation as is hypothesized in the Condon Report explanation, the
- observer's eye must be physically located at or directly under the index-
- discontinuity, which would here mean up in the air at the altitude of the
- hypothesized inversion. But all of the Haneda observations were made from the
- ground level. Negation of Raman brightening leaves one more serious gap in the
- Capella hypothesis, since its magnitude of 0.2 lies at a brightness level well
- below that of Jupiter, yet the Haneda observers seem to have been comparing
- the object's luminosity to Jupiter's and finding it far brighter, not dimmer.
- Sixth, the Condon Report mentions the independent sighting from Tachikawa
- AFB, but fails to bring out that the line of sight from that observing site
- (luminary described as lying over Tokyo Bay, as seen from Tachikawa) pointed
- more than 45 deg. away from Capella, a circumstance fatal to fitting the
- Capella hypothesis to both sightings. Jupiter lay due East, not "over Tokyo
- Bay" from Tachikawa, and it had been rising in the eastern sky for many days,
- so it is, in any event, unlikely to have suddenly triggered an independent
- response at Tachikawa that night. And, conversely, the area intersection of
- the reported lines of sight from Haneda and Tachikawa falls in just the North
- Bay area where Shiroi GCI first got radar returns and where all the subsequent
- radar activity was localized.
- Seventh, nothing in the proffered explanations in the Condon Report
- confronts the reported movements and disappearances of the luminous object
- that are described in the Bluebook case-file on Haneda. If, for the several
- reasons offered above, we conclude that not only apparent radial motions, but
- also lateral and climbing motions were observed, neither diffraction nor Raman
- effects can conceivably fit them.
- Eighth, the over-all configuration as seen through 7X binoculars,
- particularly with four smaller lights perceived on the lower edge of the
- broad, dark annulus, is not in any sense explained by the ideas qualitatively
- advanced in the Condon Report on the weak basis now remarked.
- Ninth, the Condon Report puts emphasis on the point that, whereas Haneda
- and Tachikawa observers saw the light, airmen at the Shiroi GCI site went
- outside and looked in vain for the light when the plotted radar position
- showed one or more targets to their south or south-southeast. This is correct.
- But we are quite familiar with both highly directional and semi-directional
- light sources on our own technological devices, so the failure to detect a
- light from the Shiroi side does not very greatly strengthen the hypothesis
- that Capella was the luminary in the Haneda visual sightings. The same can be
- said for lack of visual observations from the F-94, which got only radar
- returns as it closed on its target,
- I believe that it is necessary to conclude that the "explanation" proposed
- in the Condon Report for the visual portions of the Haneda case are almost
- wholly unacceptable. And I remark that my analysis of many other explanations
- in the Condon Report finds them to be about equally weak in their level of
- scientific argumentation. We were supposed to get in the Condon Report a level
- of critique distinctly better than that which had come from Bluebook for many
- years; but much of the critique in that Report is little less tendentious and
- ill-based than that which is so dismaying in 22 years of Air Force discussions
- of UFO cases. The above stands as only one illustration of the point I make
- there; many more could be cited.
- Next we must examine the radar aspects of the 8/5-6/52 Haneda case.
- 5. Radar Observations:
- Shortly after the initial visual sighting at Haneda, the tower controllers
- alerted the Shiroi GCI radar unit (located about 15 miles NE of central
- Tokyo), asking them to look for a target somewhere NE of Haneda at an altitude
- which they estimated (obviously on weak grounds) to be somewhere between 1500
- and 5000 feet, both those figures appearing in the Bluebook case-file. Both a
- CPS-1 search radar and a CPS-4 height-finder radar were available at Shiroi,
- but only the first of those picked up the target, ground clutter interference
- precluding useful CPS-4 returns. The CPS-1 radar was a 10-cm, 2-beam set with
- peak power of 1 megawatt, PRF of 400/sec, antenna tilt 3 deg., and scan-rate
- operated that night at 4 rpm. I find no indication that it was equipped with
- MTI, but this point is not certain.
- It may help to keep the main sequence of events in better time order if I
- first put down the principal events that bear on the radar sightings from
- ground and air, and the times at which these events occurred. In some
- instances a 1-2 minute range of times will be given because the case-file
- contains more than a single time for that event as described in separate
- sections of the report. I indicate 0015-16 LST (all times still LST) as the
- time of first airborne radar contact by the F-94, and discuss that matter in
- more detail later, since the Condon Report suggests a quite different time.
- Time (LST) Events
- ----------- ------
- 2330 Tower controllers at Haneda see bright light to NE, call Shiroi
- GCI within a few minutes thereafter.
- 2330-45 Lt. A, Shiroi radar controller on evening watch, looks for
- returns, finds 3-4 stationary blips to NE of Haneda on low beam
- of CPS-1.
- 2345 Lt. B comes on duty for midwatch at Shiroi; he and Lt. A
- discuss possible interceptor scramble.
- 2355 Lt. A calls Johnson AFB, asks for F-94 scramble. Fuel system
- trouble causes delay of 5-10 min in the scramble.
- 0001 Lt. B has unknown in right orbit at varying speeds over north
- Tokyo Bay, 8 miles NE of Haneda. Loses contact again.
- 0003-04 F-94 airborne out of Johnson AFB, Lt. P as pilot, Lt. R,
- radarman.
- 0009-10 Shiroi alerts F-94 to airborne target to its starboard as it
- heads down Tokyo Bay, and Lt. p visually identifies target as C-
- 54 in pattern to land at Haneda. Lt. B instructs Lt. P to begin
- search over north Bay area at flight altitude of 5000 ft.
- 0012 Shiroi regains CPS-1 contact on unknown target in right orbit
- over same general area seen before, target splits into three
- separate targets, and Lt. B vectors F-94 towards strongest of
- three returns.
- 0015-16 F-94 gets airborne radar contact on moving target at range and
- bearing close to vector information, has to do hard starboard
- turn to keep on scope as target moves with acceleration across
- scope.
- 0017-18 After 90 seconds pursuit, with no lock-on achieved, target moves
- off scope at high speed; Shiroi GCI tracks both unknown and F-94
- into its ground clutter, where both are then lost in clutter.
- 0040 F-94 visually spots another C-54, over Johnson.
- 0120 P-94 lands back at Johnson
- Thus the period 2330 on 8/5 through about 0018 on 8/6 is of present interest:
- Next, events in that period will be examined in closer detail.
- a. Initial attempts at radar detection from Shiroi GCI.
- When, at about 2335 or so, Haneda requested Shiroi to search the area of
- the bay to the NE of Haneda (SSW from Shiroi, roughly), Lt. A, then duty
- controller at Shiroi, found his CPS-4 giving too much ground clutter to be
- useful for the relatively low estimated heights Haneda had suggested.
- Those heights are indicated as 1500-2000 ft in one portion of the case-
- file, though Airman A elsewhere gave 5000 ft as his impression of the
- height. Clearly, lack of knowledge of size and slant ranges precluded any
- exact estimates from Haneda, but they offered the above indicated
- impressions.
- Trying both low and high beams on the CPS-1 search radar, Lt. A did detect
- three or four blips "at a position 050 deg. bearing from Haneda, as reported
- by the tower, but no definite movement could be ascertained..." The report
- gives no information on the range from Shiroi, nor inferred altitude of those
- several blips, only the first of a substantial number of missing items of
- quite essential information that were not followed up in any Bluebook
- inquiries, as far as the case-file shows. No indication of the spacing of the
- several targets is given either, so it is difficult to decide whether to
- consider the above as an instance of "radar visual" concurrency or not. One
- summary discussion in the Bluebook case-file so construes it: "The radar was
- directed onto the target by visual observations from the tower. So it can
- safely be assumed that both visual and radar contacts involved the same
- object." By contrast, the Condon Report takes the position that there were no
- radar observations that ever matched the visual observations. The latter view
- seems more justified than the former, although the issue is basically
- unresolvable. One visual target won't, in any event, match 3-4 radar targets,
- unless we invoke the point that later on the main radar target split up into
- three separate radar targets, and assume that at 2335, 3-4 unknown objects
- were airborne and motionless, with only one of these luminous and visually
- detectable from Haneda. That is conceivable but involves too strained
- assumptions to take very seriously; so I conclude that, even in this opening
- radar search, there was not obvious correspondence between visual and radar
- unknowns. As we shall see, later on there was definitely not correspondence,
- and also the F-94 crew never spotted a visual target. Thus, Haneda cannot be
- viewed as a case involving the kind of "radar-visual" concurrency which does
- characterize many other important cases. Nonetheless, both the visual and the
- radar features, considered separately, are sufficiently unusual in the Haneda
- case to regard them as mutually supporting the view that inexplicable events
- were seen and tracked there that night.
- One may ask why a radar-detected object was not seen visually, and why a
- luminous object was not detected on search radar; and no fully satisfactory
- answer lies at hand for either question. It can only be noted that there are
- many other such cases in Bluebook files and that these questions stand as part
- of the substantial scientific puzzle that centers around the UFO phenomena. We
- know that light-sources can be turned off, and we do know that ECM techniques
- can fool radars to a certain extent. Thus, we might do well to maintain open
- minds when we come to these questions that are so numerous in UFO case
- analyses.
- b. F-94 scramble.
- When Lt. B came on duty at 2345, he was soon able, according to Capt.
- Malven's summary in IR-35-52, "to make radar contact on the 50-mile high
- beam," whereupon he and Lt. A contacted the ADCC flight controller at Johnson
- AFB 35 miles to their west, requesting that an interceptor be scrambled to
- investigate the source of the visual and the radar sightings.
- An F-94B of the 339th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, piloted by Lt. P, with
- Lt. R operating the APG-33 air-intercept radar, was scrambled, though a delay
- of over ten minutes intervened because of fuel-system difficulties during
- engine runup. The records show the F-94 airborne at about 0003-04, and it then
- took about 10 minutes to reach the Tokyo Bay area. The APG-33 set was a 3-cm
- (X-band) set with 50 KW power, and lock-on range of about 2500 yards,
- according to my information. The system had a B-scope, i.e., it displayed
- target range vs. azimuth. The case-file notes that: "The APG-33 radar is
- checked before and after every mission and appeared to be working normally."
- At 0009, Shiroi picked up a moving target near Haneda and alerted the F-94
- crew, who had no difficulty identifying it visually as an Air Force C-54 in
- the Haneda pattern. The crew is quoted in the report as reporting "exceptional
- visibility." Shiroi instructed the F-94 to begin searching at 5000 ft altitude
- as it got out over the Bay. But before proceeding with events of that search,
- a GCI detection of a moving target at about 0001 must be reviewed.
- c. First GCI detection of orbiting object.
- Just before the F-94 became airborne out of Johnson AFB, Lt. B picked up
- the first definitely unusual moving target, at about 0000-01. His statement in
- the Bluebook case-file reads: "At the time of the scramble, I had what was
- believed to be the object in radar contact. The radar sighting indicated the
- object to be due south of this station over Tokyo Bay and approximately eight
- (8) miles northeast of Haneda. The target was in a right orbit moving at
- varying speeds. It was impossible to estimate speed due to She short distance
- and times involved." That passage is quoted in the Condon Report, but not the
- next, which comes from Malven's summary and indicates that Lt. B only meant
- that it was impossible to estimate the target's speed with much accuracy. The
- omitted passage is interesting, for it is one of a number of indications that
- anomalous propagation (which is the Condon Report's explanation for the radar
- sightings) is scarcely creditable: "An F-94 was scrambled to investigate. The
- object at this time had left the ground clutter and could be tracked (on the
- CPS-1) at varying speeds in a right orbit. Although impossible to accurately
- estimate speed, Lt. B gave a rough estimate of 100-150 knots, stopping, and
- hovering occasionally, and a maximum speed during the second orbit (just
- before F-94 was vectored in) of possibly 250-300 knots."
- A map accompanying IR-35-52 shows the plotted orbiting path of the
- unknown target. The orbit radius is approximately 4 miles, centered just off
- the coast from the city of Funabashi, east of Tokyo. The orbiting path is
- about half over land, half over water. The map sketch, plus the file comments,
- imply that GCI had good contacts with the target only while it was moving out
- over the Bay. The ground-clutter pattern of the CPS-1 is plotted on the same
- map (and on other maps in the file), and it seems clear that the difficulty in
- tracking the target through the land portion of the roughly circular orbit was
- that most of that portion lay within the clutter area. The presumption is
- strong that this set did not have MTI, which is unfortunate.
- The circumference of the orbit of about 4-mi radius would be about 25
- miles. Taking Lt. B's rough estimate of 100-150 knots in the first of the two
- circuits of this orbit (i.e., the one he detected at about 0001), a total
- circuit-time of perhaps 12-13 minutes is indicated. Although the basis for
- this time-estimate is quite rough, it matches reasonably well the fact that it
- was about 0012 when it had come around again, split up into three targets, and
- looped onshore again with the F-94 in pursuit this time.
- If the object executing the above orbits had been the luminous object
- being watched from Haneda, it would have swung back and forth across their sky
- through an azimuth range of about 30 deg. Since no such motion seems to have
- been noted by the Haneda observers, I believe it must be concluded that the
- source they watched was distinct from the one radar-tracked in orbit.
- d. Second orbit and F-94 intercept attempt.
- The times given in Lt. B's account of this phase of the sighting do not
- match those given by the pilot and radarman of the F-94 in their signed
- statements in the file. Other accounts in the file match those of the aircrew,
- but not the times in Lt. B's summary. This discrepancy (about 10-12 minutes)
- is specifically noted in Capt. Malven's IR-35-52 summary: "The ten minute
- difference in time between the statement by Lt. B, 528th ACGW SQ, and that
- reported by other personnel concerned, is believed to be a typographical
- error, since the statement agrees on every other portion of the sighting."
- That Lt. B and the aircrew were describing one and the same intercept seems
- beyond any doubt; and in view of Malven's quoted comment, I here use the times
- recorded by the aircrew and accepted as the correct times in other parts of
- the case-file. Further comment on this will be given below.
- After completing the first of the two orbits partially tracked by GCI
- Shiroi, the target came around again where it was out of the CPS-1 ground-
- clutter pattern, and Lt. B regained contact. Malven's summary comments on the
- next developments as follows: "At 0012 the object reportedly broke into three
- smaller contacts, maintaining an interval of about 1/4 miles, with one contact
- remaining somewhat brighter. The F-94 was vectored on this object, reporting
- weak contact at 1500 and loss of contact at 0018. Within a few seconds, both
- the F-94 and the object entered the ground clutter and were not seen again."
- The same portion of the incident is summarized in Lt. B's account (with
- different times), with the F-94 referred to by its code-name "Sun Dial 20."
- Immediately following the part of his account referring to the first starboard
- orbit in which he had plotted the target's movements, at around 0001, comes
- the following section: "Sun Dial 20 was ordered to search the Tokyo Bay area
- keeping a sharp lookout for any unusual occurrences. The obJect was again
- sighted by radar at 0017 on a starboard orbit in the same area as before. Sun
- Dial 20 was vectored to the target. He reported contact at 0025 and reported
- losing contact at 0028. Sun Dial 20 followed the target into our radar ground
- clutter area and we were unable to give Sun Dial 20 further assistance in re-
- establishing contact. Sun Dial 20 again resumed his visual search of the area
- until 0014, reporting negative visual sighting on this object at any time." If
- Malven's suggestion of typographical error is correct, the in-contact times in
- the foregoing should read 0015 and 0018, and presumably 0017 should be 0012.
- But regardless of the precise times, the important point is that Lt. B
- vectored the F-94 into the target, contact was thereby achieved, and Lt. B
- followed the target and pursuing F-94 northeastward into his ground clutter. I
- stress this because, in the Condon Report, the matter of the different times
- quoted is offered as the sole basis of a conclusion that ground radar and
- airborne radar were never following the same target. This is so clearly
- inconsistent with the actual contents of the case-file that it is difficult to
- understand the Report rationale.
- Even more certain indication that the GCI radar was tracking target and F-
- 94 in this crucial phase is given in the accounts prepared and signed by the
- pilot and his radarman. Here again we meet a code-designation, this time "Hi-
- Jinx", which was the designation for Shiroi GCI used in the air-to-ground
- radio transmissions that night and hence employed in these next two accounts.
- The F-94 pilot, Lt. P states: "The object was reported to be in the Tokyo Bay
- area in an orbit to the starboard at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet. I
- observed nothing of an unusual nature in this area; however, at 0016 when
- vectored by Hi-Jinx on a heading of 320 degrees, and directed to look for a
- bogie at 1100 o'clock, 4 miles, Lt. R made radar contact at 10 degrees port,
- 6000 yards. The point moved rapidly from port to starboard and disappeared
- from the scope. I had no visual contact with the target."
- And the signed statement from the radarman, Lt. R, is equally definite
- about these events: "At 0015 Hi-Jinx gave us a vector of 320 degrees. Hi-Jinx
- had a definite radar echo and gave us the vector to intercept the unidentified
- target. Hi-Jinx estimated the target to be at 11 o'clock to us at a range of 4
- miles. At 0016 I picked up the radar contact at 10 degrees port, 10 degrees
- below at 6,000 yards. The target was rapidly moving from port to starboard and
- a 'lock on' could not be accomplished. A turn to the starboard was instigated
- to intercept target which disappeared on scope in approximately 90 seconds. No
- visual contact was made with the unidentified target. We continued our search
- over Tokyo Bay under Hi-Jinx control. At 0033 Hi-Jinx released us from
- scrambled mission..."
- Of particular importance is the very close agreement of the vectoring
- instructions given by Shiroi GCI to the F-94 and the actual relative position
- at which they accomplished radar contact; GCI said 4 miles range at the
- aircraft's 11 o'clock position, and they actually got radar contact with the
- moving target at a 6000-yard range, 10 degrees to their port. Nearly exact
- aqreement, and thus incontrovertibly demonstrating that ground-radar and
- airborne radar were then looking at the same moving unknown target, despite
- the contrary suggestions made in the Condon Report. Had the Condon Report
- presented all of the information in the case-file, it would have been
- difficult to maintain the curious position that is maintained all of the way
- to the final conclusion about these radar events in the Condon Report's
- treatment of the Haneda case.
- That the moving target, as seen by both ground and airborne radar was a
- distinct target, though exhibiting radar cross-section somewhat smaller than
- that typical of most aircraft, is spelled out in Malven's IR-35-52 summary:
- "Lt.B, GCI Controller at the Shiroi GCI site, has had considerable experience
- under all conditions and thoroughly understands the capabilities of the CPS-1
- radar. His statement was that the object was a bonafide moving target, though
- somewhat weaker than that normally obtained from a single jet fighter." And,
- with reference to the airborne radar contact, the same report states; "Lt. R,
- F-94 radar operator, has had about seven years' experience with airborne radar
- equipment. He states that the object was a bonafide target, and that to his
- knowledge, there was nothing within an area of 15-20 miles that could give the
- radar echo." It is exceedingly difficult to follow the Condon Report in
- viewing such targets as due to anomalous propagation.
- Not only were there no visual sightings of the orbiting target as viewed
- from the F-94, but neither were there any from the Shiroi site, though Lt. B
- specifically sent men out to watch as these events transpired. Also, as
- mentioned earlier, it seems out of the question to equate any of the Haneda
- visual observations to the phase of the incident just discussed. Had there
- been a bright light on the unknown object during the time it was in starboard
- orbit, the Haneda observers would almost certainly have reported those
- movements. To be sure, the case-file is incomplete in not indicating how
- closely the Haneda observers were kept in touch as the GCI directed radar-
- intercept was being carried out. But at least it is clear that the Haneda
- tower controllers did not describe motions of the intensely bright light that
- would fit the roughly circular starboard orbits of radius near four miles.
- Thus, we seem forced to conclude either that the target the F-94 pursued was a
- different one from that observed at Haneda (likely interpretation), or that it
- was non-luminous during that intercept (unlikely alternative, since Haneda
- observations did not have so large a period of non-visibility of the source
- they had under observation 2330-0020).
- 6. Condon Report Critique of the Radar Sightings:
- The Bluebook case-file contains essentially no discussion of the radar
- events, no suggestion of explanations in terms of any electronic or
- propagational anomalies. The case was simply put in the Unexplained category
- back in 1952 and has remained in that category since then at Bluebook.
- By contrast, the Condon Report regards the above radar events as
- attributable to anomalous propagation. Four reasons are offered (p. 126) in
- support of that conclusion;
- 1) The tendency for targets to disappear and reappear;
- 2) The tendency for the target to break up into smaller targets;
- 3) The apparent lack of correlation between the targets seen on the GCI
- and airborne radars;
- 4) The radar invisibility of the target when visibility was "exceptionally
- good."
- Each of these four points will now be considered.
- First, the "tendency for the targets to disappear and reappear" was
- primarily a matter of the orbiting target's moving into and out of the ground-
- clutter pattern of the CPS-1, as is clearly shown in the map that constitutes
- Enclosure #5 in the IR-35-52 report, which was at the disposal of the Colorado
- staff concerned with this case. Ground returns from AP (anomalous propagation)
- may fade in and out as ducting intensities vary, but here we have the case of
- a moving target disappearing into and emerging from ground clutter, while
- executing a roughly circular orbit some 4 miles in radius. I believe it is
- safe to assert that nothing in the annals of anomalous propagation matches
- such behavior. Nor could the Borden-Vickers hypothesis of "reflections" off
- moving waves on inversions fit this situation, since such waves would not
- propagate in orbits, but would, at best, advance with the direction and speed
- of the mean wind at the inversion. Furthermore, the indicated target speed in
- the final phases of the attempted intercept was greater than that of the F-94,
- i.e., over 400 knots, far above wind speeds prevailing that night, so this
- could not in any event be squared with the (highly doubtful) Borden-Vickers
- hypothesis that was advanced years ago to account for the 1952 Washington
- National Airport UFO incidents.
- Second, the breakup of the orbiting target into three separate targets
- cannot fairly be referred to as a "tendency for the target to break up into
- smaller targets." That breakup event occurred in just one definite instance,
- and the GCI controller chose to vector the F-94 onto the strongest of the
- resultant three targets. And when the F-94 initiated radar search in the
- specific area (11 o'clock at 4 miles) where that target was then moving, it
- immediately achieved radar contact. For the Condon Report to gloss over such
- definite features of the report and merely allude to all of this in language
- faintly suggestive of AP seems objectionable.
- Third, to build a claim that there was "apparent lack of correlation
- between the targets seen on the GCI and airborne radars" on the sole basis of
- the mismatch of times listed by Lt. B on the one hand and by the aircrew on
- the other hand, to ignore the specific statement by the intelligence officer
- filing IR-35-52 about this being a typographical error on the part of Lt. B,
- and, above all, to ignore the obviously close correspondence between GCI and
- air borne radar targeting that led to the successful radar-intercept, and
- finally to ignore Lt. B's statement that the F-94 "followed the target into
- our radar ground clutter", all amount to a highly slanted assessment of case
- details, details not openly set out for the reader of the Condon Report to
- evaluate for himself. I believe that all of the material I have here extracted
- from the Haneda case file fully contradicts the third of the Condon Report
- four reasons for attributing the radar events to AP. I would suggest that it
- is precisely the impressive correlation between GCI and F-94 radar targeting
- on this non-visible, fast-moving object that constitutes the most important
- feature of the whole case.
- Fourth, it is suggested that AP is somehow suspected because of "the radar
- invisibility of the target when visibility was 'exceptionally good.'" This is
- simply unclear. The exceptional visibility of the atmosphere that night is not
- physically related to "radar invisibility" in any way, and I suspect this was
- intended to read "the invisibility of the radar target when visibility was
- exceptionally good." As cited above, neither the Shiroi crew nor the F-94 crew
- ever saw any visible object to match their respective radar targets. Under
- some circumstances, such a situation would indeed be diagnostic of AP. BUt not
- here, where the radar target is moving at high speed around an orbit many
- miles in diameter, occasionally hovering motionless (see Malven's account
- cited earlier), and changing speed from 100-150 knots up to 250-300 knots, and
- finally accelerating to well above an F-94's 375-knot speed.
- Thus, _all four_ of the arguments offered in the Condon Report to support
- its claim that the Haneda radar events were due to anomalous propagation must
- be rejected. Those arguments seem to me to be built up by a highly selective
- extraction of details from the Bluebook case-file, by ignoring the limits of
- the kind of effects one can expect from AP, and by using wording that so
- distorts key events in the incident as to give a vague impression where the
- facts of the case are really quite specific.
- It has, of course, taken more space to clarify this Haneda case than the
- case is given in the Condon Report itself. Unfortunately, this would also
- prove true of the clarification of some fifteen to twenty other UFO cases
- whose "explanation" in the Condon Report contains, in my opinion, equally
- objectionable features, equally casual glossing-over of physical principles,
- of important quantitative points. Equally serious omissions of basic case
- information mark many of those case discussions in the Condon Report. Here I
- have used Haneda only as an illustration of those points; but I stress that it
- is by no means unique. The Condon Report confronted a disappointingly small
- sample of the old "classic" cases, the long-puzzling cases that have kept the
- UFO question alive over the years, and those few that it did confront it
- explained away by argumentation as unconvincing as that which disposes of the
- Haneda AFB events in terms of diffraction of Capella and anomalous
- propagation. Scientifically weak argumentation is found in a large fraction of
- the case analyses of the Condon Report, and stands as the principal reason why
- its conclusions ought to be rejected.
- Here are some other examples of UFO cases considered explained in the
- Condon Report for which I would take strong exception to the argumentation
- presented and would regard as both unexplained and of strong scientific
- interest (page numbers in Condon Report are indicated): Flagstaff, Ariz.,
- 5/20/50 (p. 245); Washington, D. C., 7/19/52 (p. 153); Bellefontaine, O.,
- 8/1/52 (p. 161); Gulf of Mexico, 12/6/52 (p. 148); Odessa, Wash., 12/10/52 (p.
- 140); Continental Divide, N.M., 1/26/53 (p. 143); Seven Isles, Quebec, 6/29/54
- (p. 139); Niagara Falls, N.Y., 7/25/57 (p. 145); Kirtland AFB, N.M., 11/4/57
- (p. 141); Gulf of Mexico, 11/5/57 (p. 165); Peru, 12/30/66 (p. 280); Holloman
- AFB, 3/2/67 (p. 150); Kincheloe AFB, 9/11/67 (p. 164); Vandenberg AFB, 10/6/67
- (p. 353).
- Case 4. Kirtland AFB, Novemeber 4, 1957.
- Brief summary: Two CAA control tower operators observe a lighted egg-shaped
- object descend to and cross obliquely the runway area at Kirtland AFB
- (Albuquerque), hover near the ground for tens of seconds, then climb at
- unprecedented speed into the overcast. On radar, it was then followed south
- some miles, where it orbited a number of minutes before returning to the
- airfield to follow an Air Force aircraft outbound from Kirtland.
- 1. Introduction:
- This case, discussed in the Condon Report on p. 141, is an example of a
- UFO report which had lain in Bluebook files for years, not known to anyone
- outside of Air Force circles.
- Immediately upon reading it, I became quite curious about it; more
- candidly, I became quite suspicious about it. For, as you will note on reading
- it for yourself, it purports to explain an incident in terms of an hypothesis
- with some glaringly improbable assumptions, and makes a key assertion that is
- hard to regard as factual. Let me quote from the first descriptive paragraph:
- "Observers in the CAA (now FAA) control tower saw an unidentified dark object
- with a white light underneath, about the 'shape of an automobile on end', that
- crossed the field at about 1500 ft and circled as if to come in for a landing
- on the E-W runway. This unidentified object appeared to reverse direction at
- low altitude, while out of sight of the observers behind some buildings, and
- climbed suddenly to about 200-300 ft., heading away from the field on a 120
- deg. course. Then it went into a steep climb and disappeared into the
- overcast." The Condon Report next notes that; "The Air Force view is that this
- UFO was a small, powerful private aircraft, flying without flight plan, that
- became confused and attempted a landing at the wrong airport. The pilot
- apparently realized his error when he saw a brightly-lit restricted area,
- which was at the point where the object reversed direction..." The Report next
- remarks very briefly that the radar blip from this object was described by the
- operator as a "perfectly normal aircraft return", that the radar tract "showed
- no characteristics that would have been beyond the capabilities of the more
- powerful private aircraft available at the time," and the conclusion arrived
- at in the Condon Report, without further discussion, is that; "There seems to
- be no reason to doubt the accuracy of this analysis."
- 2. Some Suspect Features of the Condon Report's Explanation
- It seemed to me that there were several reasons "to doubt the accuracy of
- this analysis." First, let me point out that the first line or two of the
- account in the Condon Report contains information that the incident took place
- with "light rain over the airfield", late in the evening (2245-2305 MST),
- which I found to be correct, on checking meteorological records. Thus the
- reader is asked to accept the picture of a pilot coming into an unfamiliar
- airfield at night and under rain conditions, and doing a 180 deg. return at so
- low an altitude that it could subsequently climb suddenly to about 200-300 ft;
- and we are asked to accept the picture of this highly hazardous low-altitude
- nighttime turn being executed so sharply that it occurred "while out of sight
- of the observers behind some buildings." Now these are not casual bystanders
- doing the observing, but CAA controllers in a tower designed and located to
- afford full view of all aircraft operations occurring in or near its airfield.
- Hence my reaction to all of this was a reaction of doubt. Pilots don't live
- too long who execute strange and dangerous maneuvers of the type implied in
- this explanation. And CAA towers are not located in such a manner that
- "buildings" obscure so large a block of airfield-airspace as to permit
- aircraft to do 180 deg. turns while hidden from tower view behind them (at
- night, in a rain!).
- 3. Search for the Principal Witnesses:
- The foregoing points put such strong a priori doubt upon the "private
- aircraft" explanation advanced in the Condon Report that I began an
- independent check on this case, just as I have been checking several dozen
- other Condon Report cases in the months since publication of the Report. Here,
- as in all other cases in the Report, there are no witness-names given to
- facilitate independent check, but by beginning my inquiries through the FAA, I
- soon got in touch with the two CAA tower observers, both of whom are still
- with FAA, one in Oklahoma, one in California. Concurrently, I initiated a
- number of inquiries concerning the existence of any structures back in 1957
- that could have hidden an aircraft from tower view in the manner suggested by
- the Report. What I ultimately learned constitutes only one example of many
- that back up the statement I have been making recently to many professional
- groups: The National Academy of Sciences is going to be in a most awkward
- position when the full picture of the inadequacies of the Condon Report is
- recognized; for I believe it will become all too obvious that the Academy
- placed its weighty stamp on this dismal report without even a semblance of
- rigorous checking of its contents.
- The two tower controllers, R. M. Kaser and E. G. Brink, with whom I have
- had a total of five telephone interviews in the course of clarifying the case,
- explained to me that the object was so unlike an aircraft and exhibited
- performance characteristics so unlike those of any aircraft flying then or now
- that the "private aircraft" explanation was quite amusing. Neither had heard
- of the Air Force explanation, neither had heard of the Condon Project
- concurrence therein, and, most disturbing of all, neither had ever heard of
- the Condon Project: _No one on the Condon Project ever contacted these two
- men!_ A half-million-dollar Project, a Report filled with expensive trivia and
- matters shedding essentially no light on the heart of the UFO: puzzle, and no
- Project investigator even bothers to hunt down the two key witnesses in this
- case, so casually closed by easy acceptance of the Bluebook "aircraft"
- explanation.
- Failure to locate those two men as part of the investigation of this case
- is all the more difficult to understand because CAA tower operators involved
- as witnesses of a UFO incident were actually on duty would seem to constitute
- just the type of witnesses one should most earnestly seek out in attempts to
- clarify the UFO puzzle. In various sections of the Condon Report, witness-
- shortcomings (lack of experience, lack of familiarity with observing things in
- the sky, basic lack of credibility, etc.) are lamented, yet here, where the
- backgrounds of the witnesses and the observing circumstances are highly
- favorable to getting reliable testimony, the Colorado group did not bother to
- locate the witnesses. (This is not an isolated example. Even in cases which
- were conceded to be Unexplained, such as the June 23, 1955 Mohawk Airlines
- multiple-witness sighting near Utica, N.Y. [p. 143 in Report], or the Jackson,
- Alabama, November 14, 1956 airline case, both conceded to be unexplained, I
- found on interviewing key witnesses as part of my cross-check on the Condon
- Report, that no one from Colorado had ever talked to the witnesses. In still
- other important instances, only a fraction of the available witnesses were
- queried in preparing the Condon Report. Suggestions that the Report was based
- on intensive investigatory work simply are not correct.)
- 4. Information Gained from Witness-Interviews:
- When I contacted Kaser and Brink, they told me I was the first person to
- query them on the case since their interrogation by an Air Force captain from
- Colorado Springs, who had come to interview them at Kirtland just after the
- incident. Subsequently, I secured the Bluebook case-file on this sighting, and
- ascertained that a Capt. Patrick O. Shere, from Ent AFB did the interrogation
- on Nov. 8, 1957, just four days after the sighting.
- The accounts I secured in 1969 from Kaser and Brink matched impressively
- the information I found in Shere's 1957 report in the Bluebook case-file.
- There were a few recollective discrepancies of distance or time estimates in
- the witness accounts given in 1969, as compared with their 1957 statements to
- the Air Force, but the agreements were far more significant than the small
- number of mismatches.
- In contrast to the somewhat vague impressions I gained (and other readers
- would surely also gain) from reading the Condon Report version, here is what
- is in the Bluebook case-file and what they told me directly.
- The object came down in a rather steep dive at the east end of Runway 26,
- left the flight line, crossed runways, taxiways and unpaved areas at about a
- 30-degree angle, and proceeded southwestward towards the CAA tower at an
- altitude they estimated at a few tens of feet above ground. Quickly getting 7x
- binoculars on it, they established that it had no wings, tail, or fuselage,
- was elongated in the vertical direction, and exhibited a somewhat eggshaped
- form (Kaser). It appeared to be perhaps 15-20 ft in vertical dimension, about
- the size of an automobile on end, and had a single white light in its base.
- Both men were emphatic in stressing to me that _it in no way resembled an
- aircraft._
- It came towards them until it reached a B-58 service pad near the
- northeast corner of Area D (Drumhead Area, a restricted area lying south of
- the E-W runway at Kirtland). That spot lay about 3000 ft ENE of the tower,
- near an old machine-gun calibration bunker still present at Kirtland AFB.
- There it proceeded to stop completely, hover just above ground _in full view_
- for a time that Kaser estimated at about 20 seconds, that Brink suggested to
- me was more like a minute, and that the contemporary Air Force interrogation
- implied as being rather more than a minute. Next they said it started moving
- again, still at very low altitude, Still at modest speed, until it-again
- reached the eastern boundary of the field. At that point, the object climbed
- at an extremely rapid rate (which Kaser said was far faster than that of such
- modern jets as the T-38).
- The Bluebook report expresses the witness' estimate of the climb rate as
- 45,000 ft/min, which is almost certainly a too-literal conversion from Mach 1.
- My phone-interview notes include a quote of Brink's statement to me that,
- "There was no doubt in my mind that no aircraft I knew of then, or ever
- operating since then, would compare with it. " Both men were emphatic in
- stating to me that at no time was this object hidden by any buildings. I
- confirmed through the Albuquerque FAA office that Area D has never had
- anything but chain-link fence around it, and that no buildings other than
- scattered one-story metal buildings ever existed either inside or outside Area
- D in that sector. The bunker is only about 15-20 feet high, judging from my
- own recent observations and photos of it from the air. The Bluebook
- interrogation report contains no statements hinting that the object was ever
- hidden from view by any structures (although the Bluebook file contains the
- usual number of internally inconsistent and confusingly presented details).
- I asked both men whether they alerted anyone else while the foregoing
- events were taking place. They both indicated that the object was of such
- unprecedented nature that it wasn't until it shot up into the overcast that
- they got on the phone to get the CAA Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) unit to
- look for a fast target to the east. Kaser recalled that a CPN-18 surveillance
- radar was in use at that RAPCON unit at that time, a point confirmed to me in
- subsequent correspondence with the present chief of the Albuquerque Airport
- Traffic Control Tower, Mr. Robert L. Behrens, who also provided other helpful
- information. Unfortunately, no one who was in the Albuquerque/Kirtland RAPCON
- unit in 1957 is now available, and the person whom Kaser thought was actually
- on the CPN-18 that night is now deceased. Thus I have only Kaser and Brink
- recollections of the radar-plotting of the unknown, plus the less than precise
- information in the Nov. 6, 1957 TWX to Bluebook. Capt. Shere did not,
- evidently, take the trouble to secure any information from radar personnel.
- As seen on the RAPCON CPN-18, the unknown target was still moving in an
- easterly direction when the alert call came from the tower. It then turned
- southward, and as Kaser recalled, moved south at very high speed, though
- nothing is said about speed in the Kirtland TWX of Nov. 6, 1957. It proceeded
- a number of miles south towards the vicinity of the Albuquerque Low Frequency
- Range Station, orbited there for a number of minutes, came back north to near
- Kirtland, took up a trail position about a half-mile behind an Air Force C-46
- just then leaving Kirtland, and moved offscope with the C-46. The Nov. 8, 1957
- report from Commander, 34th Air Div. to ADC and to the Air Technical
- Intelligence Command closed with the rather reasonable comment: "Sighting and
- descriptions conform to no known criteria for identification of UFOs." The
- followup report of Nov. 13, 1957, prepared by Air Intelligence personnel from
- Ent AFB, contains a number of relevant comments on the experience of the two
- witnesses (23 years of tower control work between them as of that date), and
- on their intelligence, closing with the remarks: "In the opinion of the
- interviewer, both sources (witnesses) are considered completely competent and
- reliable."
- 5. Critique of the Evaluation in the Condon Report:
- The Kirtland AFB case is a rather good (though not isolated) instance of
- the general point I feel obliged to make on the basis of my continuing check
- of the Condon Report: In it we have not been given anything superior to the
- generally casual and often incompetent level of case-analysis that marked
- Bluebook's handling of the UFO problem in past years.
- In the Bluebook files, this case is carried as "Possible Aircraft". Study
- of the 21-page case-file reveals that this is based solely on passing comment
- made by Capt. Shere in closing his summary letter of November 8: "The opinion
- of the preparing officer is that this object may possibly have been an
- unidentified aircraft, possibly confused by the runways at Kirtland AFB. The
- reasons for this opinion are: (a) The observers are considered competent and
- reliable sources, and in the opinion of this interviewer actually saw an
- object they could not identify. (b) The object was tracked on a radar scope by
- a competent operator. (c) The object does not meet identification criteria for
- any other phenomena."
- The stunning non sequitur of that final conclusion might serve as an
- epitome of 22 years of Air Force response to unexplainable objects in our
- airspace. But when one then turns to the Condon Report's analysis and
- evaluation, a Report that was identified to the public and the scientific
- community as the definitive study of UFOs, no visible improvement is found.
- Ignoring almost everything of interest in the case-file except that a lighted
- airborne object came down near Kirtland airfield and left, the Condon Report
- covers this whole intriguing case in two short paragraphs, cites the Air Force
- view, embellishes it a bit by speaking of the lost aircraft as "powerful"
- (presumably to account for its observed Mach 1 climb-out) and suggesting that
- it was "flying without flight plan" (this explains why it was wandering across
- runways and taxiways at night, in a rain, at an altitude of a few tens of
- feet), and the Report then closes off the case with a terse conclusion: "There
- seems to be no reason to doubt the accuracy of this analysis.
- Two telephone calls to the two principal witnesses would have confronted
- the Colorado investigators with emphatic testimony, supporting the contents
- (though not the conclusions) of the Bluebook file, and that would have
- rendered the suggested "powerful private aircraft" explanation untenable. By
- not contacting the witnesses and by overlooking most of the salient features
- of the reported observations, this UFO report has been left safely in the
- "explained" category where Bluebook put it. One has here a sample of the low
- scientific level of investigative and evaluative work that will be so apparent
- to any who take the trouble to study carefully and thoroughly the Condon
- Report on UFOs. AAAS members are urged to study it carefully for themselves
- and to decide whether it would be scientifically advisable to accept it as the
- final word on the 22-year-long puzzle of the UFO problem. I submit that it is
- most inadvisable.
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